Boating & Sailing Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 16 of 16.

Schiffahrtsausdrücke Deutsch - Holländisch

Eine Liste von algemeine und spezifische nautischer Ausdrücke (Deutsch -> Holländisch) Een lijst van algemene an specifieke nautische uitdrukkingen (Duits -> Nederlands) More...
[ Glossary Builder: E de Winkel, No. of Definitions: 6,922 ]
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maritime,shipping,international trade,nautical definitions&abbreviations More...
[ Glossary Builder: fehmi dogan, No. of Definitions: 6,482 ]
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Words of peculiar meaning on board ships and in shipyards More...
[ Glossary Builder: Giancarlo Odella, No. of Definitions: 3,260 ]
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NavTerm - Terminologia Naval (Inglês-Português-Inglês)

Glossário de Terminologia Naval (Inglês-Português-Inglês) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Frederico Bittencourt F Maia, No. of Definitions: 2,243 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: MAURICIO BURGOS W., No. of Definitions: 2,026 ]
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glosario maritimo basque-español

glosario maritimo basque-español More...
[ Glossary Builder: jesus Lizaranzu, No. of Definitions: 2,000 ]
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Diccionario de los términos naúticos españoles. Desde los más usados actualmente hasta los que ya están en deshuso. Desarrollado por los marinos de More...
[ Glossary Builder:, No. of Definitions: 509 ]
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Yacht Dictionary German - English

German - English: Terms with an english translation and partial explanation about sailing yachts, multihulls and other boats, Version 1.0, 25.11.2001. Also in German Multihull Information More...
[ Glossary Builder: Othmar Karschulin, No. of Definitions: 331 ]
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Shipping Glossary

Shipping Glossary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Imran Ali Rajani, No. of Definitions: 324 ]
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Marine, sailing words

English - Hungarian words mostly from the Marine and Sailing 'world' More...
[ Glossary Builder: Regényi Zsolt, No. of Definitions: 201 ]
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IMS Rule Acronyms

IMS Rule Acronyms with their brief description given in the IMS Rule Book and the applying rule number. Probably useful to only a few, but wonderful if you have to deal with that. V1.0 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Christian Zimmer, No. of Definitions: 184 ]
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English Sailing Terms in German

A glossary of english terms of sailing and sailing tactics translated into german. V1.4 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Christian Zimmer, No. of Definitions: 181 ]
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Nautical Know How Glossary of Boating Terms

Nautical Know How Glossary of Boating Terms More...
[ Glossary Builder: Capt Matt, Nautical Know How, Inc., No. of Definitions: 168 ]
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English-Portuguese Laser Sailing Terms

Based on Dick Tillman's The Complete Book of Laser Sailing, International Marine, 2000. This dictionary was started in 1999, when I first tried to read the book. Having just been introduced into the sport, that was a fun but not easy task. I hope this glossary will help others get started more quickly. It is assumed - but not always - that the reader has some prior knowledge of high-school English and sailing terms in Brazilian Portuguese. Copyright © 2000 Raul S. Andrade. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Dr. Raul Andrade, No. of Definitions: 156 ]
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Nautical Nomenclature

A glossary of nautical terms More...
[ Glossary Builder: Andrews Worldwide Communications, No. of Definitions: 135 ]
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Lexique de la navigation à voile

Lexique de la navigation à voile, Wikipedia:
Cette page liste les principaux termes techniques utilisés sur un voilier. Les différents types de voiles sont aussi décrits, avec des dessins, dans l'article Voile.

Wikipédia® est une encyclopédie libre, gratuite, universelle et multilingue, écrite bénévolement par des volontaires. Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Tous les textes sont disponibles sous les termes de la licence de documentation libre GNU (GFDL).

[ Glossary Builder: Wikipédia Français, L'encyclopédie libre, No. of Definitions: 66 ]
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