Motor Sports Dictionaries

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F1 Szakszótár

Forma-1-ben használt szakkifejezések gyűjteménye More...
[ Glossary Builder: Holbok Zoltán, No. of Definitions: 268 ]
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Racingtrack! Formel1 Lexikon

Das Lexikon für alle Formel1 Fans. Hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Begriffe rund um die Formel1 ausführlich erklärt. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Racingtrack!, No. of Definitions: 234 ]
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2009 Formula One Racing Glossary

Hi friends. My name is borhan and i thought to build a glossary for Formula 1 three years ago. I have started it since 2006 but for some reasons i couldn't finish it until now. This year, i decided to finish it. During these years i have been trying to find high quality pictures with good description while keep their size as low as possible. Most of pictures were edited in photoshop to reduce its size.

Please feel free to contact me directly at and write your Ideas and suggestions. I try to update this glossary every year and i definitely use your Ideas and suggestions to improve it. Thank you :)

This dictionary is for all fans of F1 Racing . This comprehensive English-English dictionary contains more than 200 words, most with hight quality pictures. It includes all flag descriptions, circuits, teams and drivers information.

All words are categorized in the nine categories. By clicking on each category you can see all the related words for that category. Each category also have a shortcut key to access easily. Their shortcuts contain word "f1" and the first or first and second character(s) of that word. Also each category have its own colors. All categories with their related color and shortcuts are as follow:

Categories Shortcuts
Aerodynamics f1a
Driver Skill f1d
Flags f1f
Regulations f1r
Car Components f1cc
Circuits f1c
Team Strategy f1t
Teams & Drivers f1td
Miscellaneous f1m

By typing word "F1" you can see all categories. So now just type "F1" and enjoy it !

[ Glossary Builder: Borhan, No. of Definitions: 207 ]
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