Displaying results 1 - 4 of 4.
Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary A dictionary of words and expressions relating to theosophy, philosophy and mystical terms . This electronic version of the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary is presented to the public as a work in progress. This glossary is represented by the Theosophical Society in Pasadena : www.theosociety.org/pasadena/etgloss/etg-hp.htm and the Theosophical Society in Israel www.theosophia.co.il
[ Glossary Builder: Rakefet,
No. of Definitions: 5,734 ]
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Small Yoga glossary (Sanskrit-English)
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel Portillo,
No. of Definitions: 591 ]
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English 2 Persian Yoga & Meditation Dictionary v1.0
English 2 Persian Yoga & Meditation Dictionary Version 1.0 This dictionary include yoga & meditation phrases. I hope it will useful for my patiots in everywhere specially my yogi friends. peyman_hj13@yahoo.com
[ Glossary Builder: Peyman.H,
No. of Definitions: 309 ]
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Hinduism Glossary for Introduction to Religion
Glossary of terms related to Hinduism
[ Glossary Builder: Paul V.M. Flesher,
No. of Definitions: 84 ]
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