Displaying results 1 - 30 of 33.
This glossary contains more than 8700 french Recipes (Recettes de cuisine française)
[ Glossary Builder: Prof. A. Belaidi ENSET-Oran Algeria,
No. of Definitions: 8,749 ]
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comestibilité des champignons
à partir du nom latin, donne la comestibilité du champignon
[ Glossary Builder: Emile Vandecasteele,
No. of Definitions: 5,710 ]
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Gali's Gastronomical Glossary
[ Glossary Builder: Gali,
No. of Definitions: 2,819 ]
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The Scotch Whisky by SDA v.4.20
For the lover and enthusiast of the Scotch Whisky. Profile of the brands (including the rare and missing ones), the types, the distilleries open and closed, their founders, the owners, the labels, the companies, water sources, the raw material, etc. It will always lack something, but every day lack less...Slainte!. (You must be of legal drinking age in the country where you use this glossary)
[ Glossary Builder: S. Doumet A.,
No. of Definitions: 2,102 ]
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Brau German - Portuguese
A small helper for the brewer and beverage-technicians
[ Glossary Builder: Hartmut Parl,
No. of Definitions: 1,262 ]
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Kulinarisches Glossar
Über 900 kulinarische Begriffe (italienisch-deutsch) von A-Z aus Italiens Küche und Gastronomie.
[ Glossary Builder: Klaus Ruenagel,
No. of Definitions: 745 ]
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Glossário Alimentar
Glossário de palavras relativas à culinária (inglês-português)
[ Glossary Builder: Fernando Mendes ,
No. of Definitions: 712 ]
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Spanish-English food glossary
Terms related to food and cooking.
[ Glossary Builder: ,
No. of Definitions: 682 ]
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Glossaire de la cuisine
Glossaire des termes employés en cuisine française
[ Glossary Builder: Jean Bergeron,
No. of Definitions: 571 ]
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Dictionary Of Cooking And Food Terms
An easily searchable online dictionary and glossary for terms related to food and cooking.
[ Glossary Builder: Dirk Merkel,
No. of Definitions: 518 ]
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1001 Cocktails Vers. 1.2
Die gesammelten Werke aus meiner Cocktailküche. Im Moment leider erst 289. (Stand 21.03.03) Wird aber laufnd aktualisiert. Sind Sie der Meinung, es fehlen einige wichtige; bitte melden Sie sich unter tom@crumbachonline.de eine Onlineversion wird es bald geben unter www.crumbachonline.de Dort finden Sie dann auch alles andere Interessante zum Thema Gastronomie, aber auch andere Dinge.
[ Glossary Builder: Tom Crumbach,
No. of Definitions: 289 ]
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DietWatch™ Nutrition Facts
Nutrition facts for various food types, powered by DietWatch.com
[ Glossary Builder: DietWatch.com,
No. of Definitions: 265 ]
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Food Glossary
International food and menu terms with links to additional information.
[ Glossary Builder: Patti Shock,
No. of Definitions: 241 ]
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Oktoberfest Glossary Bavarian-English
For non-Bavarians, communication with locals can sometimes be rather troublesome. Our Oktoberfest dictionary solves this problem: If you should encounter an unfamiliar word, you can easily look it up here. In addition to traditional Oktoberfest words and phrases, you will find Bavarian everyday words which will help you on your visit.
To browse the glossary search for the term "Maß". More...
To browse the glossary search for the term "Maß". More...
[ Glossary Builder: Thomas Sjöberg / Datenwerk GmbH (info@datenwerk.de),
No. of Definitions: 220 ]
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Cocktail recipes to the max!
[ Glossary Builder: The Bartender,
No. of Definitions: 200 ]
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Hawaii Ethnic Food Glossary
A Partial Glossary Of Ethnic Foods Found In The Hawaiian Islands.
[ Glossary Builder: Tom Clements,
No. of Definitions: 183 ]
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MB_Dictionary attribute vegetables Iranian_Farsi_to_Farsi
Dictionary of ttribute vegetables Iranian_Farsi_to_Farsi version 3.1 prepared by Etemadi ,Email address etemadi.b@gmail.com .this glossary contains more then 174 phrase ttribute vegetables.Last update,07 November , 2007
[ Glossary Builder: etemadi,
No. of Definitions: 174 ]
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Glossary of Italian Culinary Terms
A comprehensive glossary of terms related to Italian food and cuisine, bought to you by Cucina Italiana On Line - US Edition
[ Glossary Builder: Cucina Italiana On Line - US Edition,
No. of Definitions: 166 ]
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Gastronomia - carne di manzo e vitello.
I nomi dei tagli di manzo e vitello per l'alimentazione umana.
[ Glossary Builder: Rossella Pruneti,
No. of Definitions: 142 ]
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Ervas Aromaticas
Objetivo: Informações sôbre Ervas Aromáticas, Medicinais e Especiarias utilizadas internacionalmente na culinária e na medicina alternativa. Bibliografia: Resumo de diversos livros, folhetos e pesquisas na Internet.
[ Glossary Builder: Antônio Rodrigues,
No. of Definitions: 125 ]
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Glossary of Tea Terms
Glossary of tea terms, includes pictures and hyperlinks.
[ Glossary Builder: In Pursuit of Tea, Inc.,
No. of Definitions: 115 ]
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Glossario del Vino
Glossario del vino da Wikipedia®. Glossario della terminologia riguardante il vino.
Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia online, multilingue, contiene approssimativamente 1,8 milioni di articoli, a Contenuto libero, redatta in modo collaborativo da volontari e sostenuta dalla Wikimedia Foundation, un'organizzazione non-profit. More...
Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia online, multilingue, contiene approssimativamente 1,8 milioni di articoli, a Contenuto libero, redatta in modo collaborativo da volontari e sostenuta dalla Wikimedia Foundation, un'organizzazione non-profit. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera,
No. of Definitions: 98 ]
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Spices (Eng-Indon)
English-Indonesian glossary of spices and food.
[ Glossary Builder: Dul Katruk,
No. of Definitions: 83 ]
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ABC of Arabic Cuisine
Glossary of terms associated with Arabic cuisine.
[ Glossary Builder: ArabNet,
No. of Definitions: 77 ]
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Spices (Indon-Eng)
Indonesian-English glossary of spices and food.
[ Glossary Builder: Dul Katruk,
No. of Definitions: 77 ]
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Jamaica Glossary
Do all your Jamaican friends laugh at you every time you open your mouth and try to speak Jamaican? Jamaicanize your vocabulary here.
[ Glossary Builder: Xam Murphy,
No. of Definitions: 73 ]
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Food and Nutrition Solutions
Food and Nutrition Solutions
[ Glossary Builder: David Robson,
No. of Definitions: 67 ]
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Kulinarisches Glossar
Wichtige Redewendungen
[ Glossary Builder: Klaus Ruenagel,
No. of Definitions: 53 ]
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Cruising the Nile, Glossary & Info
A collection of terms related to the Nile region including typical Egyptian food, gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt etc.
[ Glossary Builder: ,
No. of Definitions: 52 ]
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