Environment & Nature Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 12 of 12.

Natur-Glossar [de]

Glossar mit Begriffen aus dem Bereich der Natur Euroasiens (Pflanzen, Vögel, Tiere, Mineralien,...);
Sprache: de(*) -> la(*), en(*), tr(*), it, fr, es, pt, gr, nl, dk, fi, sv, pl und ru
(* präziser...)

Quelle: www.katpatuka.org/pub/doc/gls/
VII/2003 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Roman Neumüller, No. of Definitions: 3,826 ]
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Mineralogy Database

Mineral Information More...
[ Glossary Builder: Dave Barthelmy, No. of Definitions: 3,726 ]
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delavari1352@gmail.com -Azad Delavari-dictionary soil farsi to english

[ Glossary Builder: Azad Delavari, No. of Definitions: 2,437 ]
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EPA Terms of Environment

The "Terms Of Environment" glossary defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other Agency documents available to the general public, students, the media, and Agency employees. More...
[ Glossary Builder: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, No. of Definitions: 1,910 ]
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glossaire forestier français-anglais

termes forestiers amélioré More...
[ Glossary Builder: IEFC, No. of Definitions: 591 ]
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Earth Science

terms of, Geochemistry, geophysics, sedimentology, etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nalin, No. of Definitions: 568 ]
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glossaire forestier anglais-français

termes forestiers More...
[ Glossary Builder: IEFC, No. of Definitions: 539 ]
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Glossary of terms related to the Geology of Caves More...
[ Glossary Builder: J. N. Jennings, No. of Definitions: 346 ]
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EPA Glossary of Climate Change Terms

The "EPA Glossary of Climate Change Terms" glossary defines in non-technical language the more commonly used terms appearing in the discussion on climate change issues. More...
[ Glossary Builder: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, No. of Definitions: 304 ]
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Environmental Economics Glossary

Environmental and Economics Glossary along with links to other glossaries and dictionaries. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Kenneth Acks, No. of Definitions: 271 ]
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National Wild and Scenic Rivers

Remarkable scenic rivers of the United States More...
[ Glossary Builder: National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, No. of Definitions: 228 ]
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Horticulture Solutions Series

Horticulture Solutions Series More...
[ Glossary Builder: David Robson, No. of Definitions: 128 ]
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