Philosophy Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 16 of 16.

French (and/or English) to Pârsi (Persian) epistemological Dict. (Latin chars)

A tentative to build a "scientific" trilingual French-English-Pârsi (Persian or "Farsi" with latin characters) Dictionary, with many quotations in these three languages. It is an ongoing project that will grow over time. For additional information, and possibly further clarification (in particular : conventions used for Persian transcription, the rationale), we refer you to the site N.B. After few years of development, this work has reached a more stable state. Therefore you may expect less frequent updates, 3 or 4 per year. More...
[ Glossary Builder: XAYYÂMI, No. of Definitions: 10,900 ]
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EV Philosophico-Theological Lexicon

Philosophico-Theological Lexicon (Ngo Minh and Nguyen The Minh) included. Font tuong tu BK HCM 1 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Khai Minh, No. of Definitions: 10,847 ]
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Refranys catalans

Glossari de paraules contingudes en 10010 refranys catalans. Glosario de palabras contenidas en 10.010 refranes catalanes.
Glossary of words contained in 10.010 Catalan proverbs.
Comments to More...
[ Glossary Builder: Meritxell González Bermúdez, No. of Definitions: 8,357 ]
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Yoga Vedanta Dictionary

Translated from Swami SIVANANDA's "Yoga Vedanta Dictionary" by Alexander Ochapovsky. See Yoga e-library of Alexander OCHAPOVSKY More...
[ Glossary Builder: Swami SIVANANDA, No. of Definitions: 2,417 ]
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Theological and Philosophical Biography and Dictionary

A dictionary of words and expressions relating to Theology and Philosophy More...
[ Glossary Builder: John Barach, No. of Definitions: 2,212 ]
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Locuzione_Italia-Việt Nam

Từ điển Locuzione_Italia – Việt Nam được soạn thảo dựa trên “Dizionario italiano de Mauro” . Ước mong đóng góp nhỏ bé này mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho quý vị trong học tập và nghiên cứu.
Mọi liên hệ và đóng góp xin quý vị gởi về cho chúng tôi qua địa chỉ :;
  • Biên tập : Paolo Nguyễn Quốc Hưng.
  • Kỹ thuật vi tính : Giuseppe Võ Tá Hoàng.
    (C) 2009 LTS Roma. More...
  • [ Glossary Builder: Paolo Nguyễn Quốc Hưng & Giuseppe Võ Tá Hoàng, No. of Definitions: 1,088 ]
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    Dictionnaire des idées reçues v. 1.0

    Dictionnaire des idées reçues v. 1.0 7 janvier 2006 Oeuvre posthume publiée en 1913, adaptée pour Babylon par H. V. à partir du texte de Project Gutenberg, lui-même dérivé du Dictionnaire des idées reçues qu'a préparé le groupe Ebooks libres et gratuits. « Un beau condensé des idées de Monsieur Tout le Monde au XIXe. A lire... » (Citation tirée du site d'Ebooks libres et gratuits) Pour m'encourager à faire d'autres dictionnaires comme celui-ci ou pour m'aider, visitez mon blogue et laissez-moi un mot : H. V. More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880), No. of Definitions: 960 ]
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    Arabic glossary of philosophy

    مسرد للمصطلحات الفلسفية More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Mohammed Bader, No. of Definitions: 416 ]
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    Proverbs Dictionary(en-fa)

    This English proverbs to Farsi dictionary this dictionary about proverbs in english contains over 370 keywords. To get more information please type help in the textbox of Babylon dictionary. Please write me any problems or comments E-mail : alied159@Gmail.Com More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Yousef Afshary, No. of Definitions: 376 ]
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    Diccionario de Filosofía

    Diccionario de Filosofía en español. More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Raúl Pavón, No. of Definitions: 230 ]
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    Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind

    This dictionary is intended as a free resource to all those interested in the philosophy of mind. The dictionary has a policy of blind peer review for all submissions to the dictionary. Advisory, editorial and review boards have been established. We hope you find this resource useful -- and make it even more so More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Chris Eliasmith, No. of Definitions: 192 ]
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    Kant Glossary

    Glossary of basic terms related to Philosophy and Metaphysics with extensive definitions and explanations , written by the assistant professor of philosophy at Antioch College (Ohio, USA) More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Andrew N. Carpenter, No. of Definitions: 177 ]
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    MB_Persian-English Dictionary of Proverbs

    Dictionary of Persian-English of Proverbs ver.1.1 prepared by Etemadi ,Email address .this glossary contains more then 155 Proverbs.Friday, June 06, 2008 .دیکشنری ضرب المثلهای انگلیسی به فارسی ورژن 4.1 .حاوی 155 مورد از بهترین ضرب المثلهای متداول فارسی،گردآوری شده توسط اعتمادی .خرداد ماه 1387.ایران More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Etemadi, No. of Definitions: 155 ]
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    Glossary of religious terms

    A glossary of religious terms, giving all current definitions to religious and theological words. More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Bruce Robinson, No. of Definitions: 145 ]
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    Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms

    74 entires giving concise definitions of terms, most from Kant's theoretical philosophy. E-text of the Glossary puplished in Stephen Palmquist's Kant's System of Perspectives (1993), pp.453-461. More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Stephen Palmquist, No. of Definitions: 73 ]
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    Teresa's Glossary of Aristotle

    Words and phrases, notions we find in literature, philosophy and other areas of human thinking that definitely might gain more light if to take Aristotle into account - not necessarily the originator to the terms, yet he seems to have influenced generations with his ingenuity. Each entry includes a few phrases of Latin, the language of the other most prominent culture of the time. Contemporary English synonyms have been added to allow the reader to compare meanings through time. Only twenty entries, but hopefully a read challenging enough to encourage interest in Aristotle. Users are free to browse the glossary's word list. More...
    [ Glossary Builder: Teresa Pelka, No. of Definitions: 20 ]
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