Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9.
resources: Mathematics and Statistics Dictionary (Iranian Mathematical Society) &Gholzam's Dictionary of Mathematics& glossary in end of books: "Principles of Mathematical Analysis By Rudin,Linear Algebra By Hoffman,Topics in Algebra By Herstein,Calculus By Silverman,Complex Analysis of Churchill,Differential Equation By Simmons" ****** my email:****** my weblog:
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad110,
No. of Definitions: 23,669 ]
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Mathematics Glossary - Mohammad Reza Majidee
This is a Glossary and Encyclopedia only about Mathematics. It contians above 7000 words and their means from English to Persian in this version. for download Updates : - Author E-mail : for more info and contact author via e-mail, please search the word "Mohammad Reza Majidee" in the search bar of babylon.
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad Reza Majidee (Student of Applied Mathematics),
No. of Definitions: 7,476 ]
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Math, Logic, SetTheory (Ger/Eng-Eng/Ger)
Mathematics, Propositional logic, Set Theory / Mathematik, Aussagenlogik, Mengenlehre (Deutsch/Englisch - English/German)
[ Glossary Builder:,
No. of Definitions: 3,471 ]
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Mathematica: Interlingua-Polonese
Curte dictionario de parolas international in le mathematica.
[ Glossary Builder: Pawel Wimmer,
No. of Definitions: 1,494 ]
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German2English dictionary for algebra
From the web page of Abhijit Das (Barda): A German-to-English dictionary for algebra students. Here is a small technical dictionary of mathematical German. It lists some of the very common terms used in algebra, commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. It also contains many words used in everyday German, that the Algebra community use to express their ideas. This compilation is, by no means, complete, in any sense.
[ Glossary Builder: Abhijit Das (Barda) (converted to Babylon glossary by Engin Mer,
No. of Definitions: 1,446 ]
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Data Structure and Algorithm V2
This glossary contains data stucture & algorithm words for computer students that Created by Abolfazl Esfandi from Boroujerd-Iran
Summer 2011
****** Thanks ******* More...
Summer 2011
****** Thanks ******* More...
[ Glossary Builder: Abolfazl Esfandi,
No. of Definitions: 1,200 ]
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Electronic Statistics Textbook
The StatSoft electronic statistics textbook includes hundreds of illustrations and offers quick, easy and free unlimited access to training in and application of statistics. The material is developed at the StatSoft R&D department and covers a wide variety of applications such as laboratory research (biomedical, agricultural, etc.), business statistics and forecasting, social science statistics and survey research, data mining, engineering, quality control applications, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Susan Portrey,
No. of Definitions: 652 ]
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Mathematics dictionary Slownik matematyczny
Slownik wyrazen matematycznych. Uwagi proszê kierowaæ na adres Strona autora It helps to translate from Polish. Enjoy.
[ Glossary Builder: Tadeusz Markiewicz,
No. of Definitions: 455 ]
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Naturwissenschaften und Begriffe
Chemie, Biologie, Physik, Geographie, Mathematik
[ Glossary Builder: Preda Altner,
No. of Definitions: 423 ]
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