Engineering Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 19 of 19.


[ Glossary Builder: ERKAN METIN, No. of Definitions: 25,684 ]
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elec erfan

اين لغت نامه جهت استفاده دانشجويان رشته برق تهيه شده است.اميدوارم مفيد باشه. More...
[ Glossary Builder: erfan jafari, No. of Definitions: 20,105 ]
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Environmental Engineering (English ver.)

Terms of Environmental Engineering; Ver. E.0.1; Created by: Mehdi Ahmadi; M.Sc. Student of Environmental Engineering; Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN; E-mail: (1) (2); Copyright: Aug. 2004 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mehdi Ahmadi, No. of Definitions: 10,146 ]
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civil english

some technical terms, field of civil engineering, german-english-german More...
[ Glossary Builder: Wemmie, No. of Definitions: 10,128 ]
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Industrial Engineering

This an English to Persian glossary for Industrial Engineers- It is refered to "Vocabulary of Industrial Engineering" written by M.A. Shafi'a. It has 6378 entries which is the greatest one yet. If there is any suggestion, let me know, ( Persian to English will be added later. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ali Javaheri with some students of Payamenour university of Shahin Shar, No. of Definitions: 6,378 ]
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English-Turkish Textile Terms Dictionary

English-Turkish Textile Terms Dictionary International Turkmen-Turkish University Textile Engineering 55073029 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Harun AYGEN, No. of Definitions: 6,312 ]
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A dictionary of words and terms related to car assembly technology : from Italian to English, Deutsch, France, Spanish, Portuguese More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mario Coppola, No. of Definitions: 5,559 ]
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Industrial Engineering Version 2.0

The Industrial Engineering Dictionary is a English-Persian dictionary that include many useful words, expresions and acronames that apply in Industrial Engineering (IE) and other filed of engineering and management sciences. This version has more comments about engineering expressions rather than old version. Please send your corrective ideas and recommanded words to the following mailbox address to modify in the next versions. thankyou More...
[ Glossary Builder: Sadegh Roozbehi, No. of Definitions: 1,497 ]
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English to Hebrew Dictionary for Geo-Engineering, Tunneling, Civil Engineering, Construction Works etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: theNoam, No. of Definitions: 1,454 ]
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Technische Begriffe

Technische Begriffe für Bauwesen Termini tecnici per costruzioni edili More...
[ Glossary Builder: ArchDB System, No. of Definitions: 1,444 ]
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Hebrew to English Dictionary for Geo-Engineering, Tunneling, Civil Engineering, Construction Works etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: theNoam, No. of Definitions: 1,325 ]
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Concrete & Concrete Structures

In This Glossary We have Some civil engineering technical terminologies Related Concrete & Concrete Structures. For get more information Search " 0451 " /###/Mailto: /###/Be Success And Dowell /###/Your Brother : Mohsen Azimi Namini More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mohsen Azimi , Mehdi Daneshi, No. of Definitions: 1,266 ]
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automotive terms

terms used in's daily business life More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nina Zwiebelhofer, No. of Definitions: 1,249 ]
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Paulo Roberto da Costa - Mechanics

Mechanics é essencialmente um novo glossário de mecânica com características próprias e não uma simples reversão do meu Glossário de Mecânica como eu mesmo pensei, a princípio, em fazer. A intenção é a mesma do outro, ajudar a quem precisa traduzir ou simplesmente ler e entender um texto de Mecânica em Português. Periodicamente, este glossário será atualizado. Para contatos e sugestões o endereço é More...
[ Glossary Builder: Paulo Roberto da Costa, No. of Definitions: 968 ]
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Majid - Welding Engineering, Ver0.1

Welding Engineering

Mobile : +98-935-7298300 Or +98-935-7639933
Weblog : Biya 2 Iran
E-Mail : Koohi_Majid@Yahoo.Com
Country-County : Iran - AzarShahr
Create By : Majid Koohi Hrgalan

Copyright © 2009-2015 Majid Koohi More...
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Koohi, No. of Definitions: 810 ]
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Integrated Circuit Terminology

Comprehensive glossary explaining terms related to integrated circuits; of particular interest for users working in the semiconductor industry. More...
[ Glossary Builder: IC Knowledge LLC, No. of Definitions: 732 ]
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A dictionary of words and terms related to car assembly technology : from French to Italian. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mario Coppola, No. of Definitions: 557 ]
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Digital Video (DV) & video edit terms / Eng2Eng v1.0 (web compilation)

Digital Video (DV) and video edit terms v1.0 (compilation by Erdem Peremeci) Eng2Eng Dijital Video ve video edit terimleri v1.0 (Erdem Peremeci tarafýndan derlenmiþtir) Ýngilizce-Ýngilizce http://www.KisaFilm.Net More...
[ Glossary Builder: Erdem Peremeci -, No. of Definitions: 489 ]
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Tradução de termos técnicos utilizados em Engenharia Civil. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nuno Mendes Machado, No. of Definitions: 351 ]
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