Displaying results 1 - 16 of 16.
Geology Science (M.M.Ma'leki)
Whether you're looking for a dictionary of the language to translate words into specialized geological,My Geology Science Dictionary Software Babylon, which is made by me, as I suggest. In particular, the Encyclopedia Iran geology, Many geological formations in which Iran is included. I hope you enjoy using this dictionary.This English To Parsi Dictionary contains words , Geology , abbreviations&acronyms , Tectonic , Stratigraphy , Remote sensing , Petrology , mineralogy , Elements , Geotectonic , Photo geology , Volcanology , Hydrology , Paleontology , Structural Geology , Gemology , Geotechnic , Geophysics , Geochemistry , Economic geology , Geomorphology , Dinosaurs , Geologic Time Scale , Mine , etc. Please see my website for updates : http://geologist.blogfa.com/.write me any problems or comments.Thanks
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad Mehdi Ma'leki (Iranian Geologist),
No. of Definitions: 27,418 ]
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sv-en mining-geology
[ Glossary Builder: Börje Sjöberg,
No. of Definitions: 12,206 ]
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en-farsi mining Glossary
[ Glossary Builder: saeed adibzadeh,
No. of Definitions: 11,715 ]
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Eng/Swedish Mining/Geology
[ Glossary Builder: Börje Sjöberg,
No. of Definitions: 6,148 ]
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Petroleum & Geology Abbreviations, Ver. 4.1
This Glossary has been designed & prepared for Drilling Engineers, Reservoir Engineers & Wellsite Geologists which work in Petroleum Industry, When you write words or abbreviations, please be careful about writing CAPITAL or small Letters. This Glossary include more than 5660 definitions & abbreviations of Geology, Petruleum & Drilling. Also this is the 4th. complete Edition, (Ver. 4.1). You can also find meanings in Farsi, (Persian) language in this Version. Thank you for using my Glossary. Now, I am working on another complete version, Ver. 5, so if you had any comments or sugestions, please send me via E-mail address which has been provided in this edition. I am from Iran and live in Iran. Now I am working in Sinopec Petroleum Company. Siamak Bahrami Jooneghani, 2011.
No. of Definitions: 5,681 ]
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Mineralogy Database
Mineral Information
[ Glossary Builder: Dave Barthelmy,
No. of Definitions: 3,726 ]
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Chemical formulas of minerals and other inorganic compounds
[ Glossary Builder: Juan B. Martin,
No. of Definitions: 3,525 ]
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English to Hebrew Dictionary for Geo-Engineering, Tunneling, Civil Engineering, Construction Works etc.
[ Glossary Builder: theNoam,
No. of Definitions: 1,454 ]
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Hebrew to English Dictionary for Geo-Engineering, Tunneling, Civil Engineering, Construction Works etc.
[ Glossary Builder: theNoam,
No. of Definitions: 1,325 ]
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Geology Terms
1100 necessary terms for students in Israel takking courses in Geology. For every item in English there is the translaion to Hebrow, followed by a short explanation in hebrow.
[ Glossary Builder: Ruvenka,
No. of Definitions: 1,106 ]
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Jeoloji Terimleri
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Terimleri
[ Glossary Builder: Tansel Özerkan,
No. of Definitions: 967 ]
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Earth Science
terms of, Geochemistry, geophysics, sedimentology, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Nalin,
No. of Definitions: 568 ]
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Glossary of terms related to the Geology of Caves
[ Glossary Builder: J. N. Jennings,
No. of Definitions: 346 ]
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Glossary of water terms
The U.S. Geological Survey's Water Science for Schools web site (http://water.usgs.gov/droplet) offers a glossary of water terms to help you better understand water concepts.
[ Glossary Builder: Howard Perlman,
No. of Definitions: 153 ]
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Glossaire des minéraux
Glossaire des minéraux, Wikipedia:
Un minéral est une substance normalement inorganique, plus rarement organique, formée naturellement ou synthétisée artificiellement, définie par sa composition chimique et l'agencement de ses atomes selon une périodicité et une symétrie précises qui se reflètent dans le groupe d'espace et dans le système cristallin du minéral.
Un minéral est une substance normalement inorganique, plus rarement organique, formée naturellement ou synthétisée artificiellement, définie par sa composition chimique et l'agencement de ses atomes selon une périodicité et une symétrie précises qui se reflètent dans le groupe d'espace et dans le système cristallin du minéral.
Wikipédia® est une encyclopédie libre, gratuite, universelle et multilingue, écrite bénévolement par des volontaires. Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Tous les textes sont disponibles sous les termes de la licence de documentation libre GNU (GFDL).
[ Glossary Builder: Wikipédia Français, L'encyclopédie libre,
No. of Definitions: 82 ]
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Gravity/Magnetic Glossary
A glossary of geophysics terminology
[ Glossary Builder: Integrated Geophysics Corporation,
No. of Definitions: 47 ]
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