Telecommunications Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 24 of 24.

Area Code International

Area Code, Country Code, International Subscriber Dialing (ISD), Subscribers Trunk Dialing (STD), Telephone Access Numbers More...
[ Glossary Builder: Gopinath Goswami, No. of Definitions: 6,048 ]
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Telecommunication Standard Terms

This glossary provides standard definitions for the fields subsumed by the umbrella discipline of telecommunications. The terms and definitions are drawn from authoritative non-Government sources such as the International Telecommunication Union, the International Organization for Standardization, the Telecommunications Industry Association, and the American National Standards Institute, as well as from numerous authoritative U.S. Government publications. More...
[ Glossary Builder: ITS-Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, No. of Definitions: 5,868 ]
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abbreviations used by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and 3GPP according to 3G TR 21.905 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Atef Sharia and Beni, No. of Definitions: 5,806 ]
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German Area Codes

Phone codes to just about every place in Germany More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nivi & Bas, No. of Definitions: 5,142 ]
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Indian STD Codes

STD Codes, Area Codes of Indian Cities (Subscribers Trunk Dialling) Numbers More...
[ Glossary Builder: Gopinath Goswami, No. of Definitions: 3,631 ]
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Telecomunicações e Informática

Dicionário Inglês/Português e Português/Português de têrmos e siglas utilizadas nas áreas de Telecomunicações e Informática. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rogério E. Leite, No. of Definitions: 1,601 ]
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Hill Associates Acronym List

Home-grown listing of acronyms used in telephony, networking, telecommunications, and many areasof computer science. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hill Associates, Inc., No. of Definitions: 1,565 ]
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Dialing Codes of Pakistan

This glossary includes dialing codes of 1507 telephone exchange areas all over the PAKISTAN. It is one of the most comprehensive directory in this field I know. I hope that you people will like this and it will be help ful to you in this respect. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Yasir Hayat, No. of Definitions: 1,503 ]
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Telecom Terms

Terms and abbreviations used in telecommunications and IT. Covers GSM, SDH, PDH, ATM, UMTS and many other fields. Comments to More...
[ Glossary Builder: Dagobert Wiedamann, No. of Definitions: 1,436 ]
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US area codes

All phone area codes in the US More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nivi Naor, No. of Definitions: 750 ]
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Josh's Network Glossary

Terms and definitions for networking and systems administration,including common telco abbreviations and acronym expansions. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Josh Simon, No. of Definitions: 684 ]
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Country Phone Codes

Just about every international phone code you can think of. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nivi Naor, No. of Definitions: 667 ]
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Dicionário de Tecnologia da Informação com termos técnicos de informatica, telecomunicações, eletrônica, etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Fabio Medeiros, No. of Definitions: 565 ]
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GSM abbreviations

Commonly used abbreviations in the telecom industry and other network related terms
Definitions taken from all over the web, not least from 3GPP: More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hans Johnsson, No. of Definitions: 482 ]
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Glossario di e-commerce, e di termini utili per chi naviga, dall'italiano/inglese, all'italiano. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Giampiero Censorii, No. of Definitions: 408 ]
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Digital Tv

Glossary of digital TV related terms (in french) More...
[ Glossary Builder: A. Belaidi ENSET Oran - Algeria, No. of Definitions: 306 ]
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AJA_Glossary of Wireless, RF and Microwave Terms

Glossary of Wireless, RF and Microwave Terms More...
[ Glossary Builder: Armando Juarez Alvarez, No. of Definitions: 265 ]
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Comunicaciones y TV

Términos de comunicaciones definidos por la Comisión Nacional de Televisión de Colombia More...
[ Glossary Builder: Santiago Gómez, No. of Definitions: 243 ]
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AJA_RF Technical and TestTerminology

The following are brief definitions of terms used in RF testing. Also are included some acronyms. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Armando Juárez Alvarez, No. of Definitions: 188 ]
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GSM Worldwide Live Networks

GSM Worldwide Live Networks illustrates the spread of live GSM networks worldwide. Included is the operating frequency (e.g. GSM 900, GSM 1800 or GSM 1900) and the date the service went live. Taken from: More...
[ Glossary Builder: Zohar Birkman, No. of Definitions: 172 ]
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Satellite TV Glossary

Definitions by Nelson Hill Electronics. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa Tutkun, No. of Definitions: 138 ]
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Türkiye'deki şehirlerin trafik plaka kodları ya da telefon alan kodlarını içeren bir sözlük. Girdi olarak; şehir ismi, trafik kodu ya da telefon alan kodundan herhangi biri ile arama yapabilirsiniz. More...
[ Glossary Builder: mahmutozturk, No. of Definitions: 82 ]
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Glossary of telephone terminology. (German) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Thomas Stollberger, No. of Definitions: 57 ]
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Al's Dish Network - DirecTV Satellite TV Digital DSS Glossary

A Dishnetwork glossary explanation of satellite TV related terms. Includes all DSS - DBS digital satellite dish related terminology for the mini dish DirecTV and Dish Network subscribers. More...
[ Glossary Builder: AL Advantech, No. of Definitions: 49 ]
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