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Displaying results 1 - 21 of 21.

Glossary of Latin-Genus-Names

This glossary translates the Latin genus into the German genus. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mike Krüger, No. of Definitions: 24,800 ]
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Small glossary of world birds (Latin-English) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel Portillo, No. of Definitions: 10,991 ]
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Vogelnamen Nederlands Latijn

Tweetalige woordenlijst met Nederlandse en wetenschappelijke vogelnamen More...
[ Glossary Builder: Cyril Aussems, No. of Definitions: 4,020 ]
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Glossaire de la nature de l'Eurasie

Glossaire avec termes de la Nature (plantes, oiseaux, animal, mineral,...);
langue: fr -> la(*), de(*), en(*), tr(*), it, es, pt, gr, nl, dk, fi, sv, pl et ru;
(* plus précis...)

source: www.katpatuka.org/pub/doc/gls/
XII/2003 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Roman Neumüller, No. of Definitions: 3,321 ]
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Aves del mundo

Aves del mundo Latín-Español More...
[ Glossary Builder: M. Portillo, No. of Definitions: 2,822 ]
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Vogelnamen Latijn > Nederlands

Woordenlijst van wetenschappelijke vogelnamen en de Nederlandse benaming More...
[ Glossary Builder: Cyril Aussems, No. of Definitions: 2,013 ]
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Eng2Heb.com Definitions for words and scientific expressions from various academic domains we couldn't find elsewhere or weren't satisfied with. For English-to-Hebrew translators. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Eng2Heb.com, No. of Definitions: 932 ]
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american horse racing dictionary

this dictionary will be useful for fans who are interested in Thoroughbred Racing ; it has 901 definitions and some illustrations More...
[ Glossary Builder: gökhan arman, No. of Definitions: 901 ]
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Sven's English => Swedish Canine Dictionary

English (and a few words from other languages) => Swedish Canine Dictionary. Updated weekly! Please post any English term you feel is missing under English>Swedish on www.proz.com AND/OR e-mail it to me at sven.petersson2@telia.com and I shall add it to the dictionary within a few days. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Sven Petersson, No. of Definitions: 784 ]
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An agreeable and useful glossary for all pets lovers - as well as for the curious . A Highly informative and richly illustrated guide comprising general data about each breed and basic pet care instructions. You'll find all you'd like to know about dogs, cats, fishes, reptiles, birds and much more. More...
[ Glossary Builder: PETsMART.COM, No. of Definitions: 753 ]
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Pequeño glosario English-Español de nombres de aves More...
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel Portillo, No. of Definitions: 586 ]
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Owls of the World

Everything about Owls More...
[ Glossary Builder: owlpages.com, No. of Definitions: 353 ]
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Glossary of Marine Biology

Glossary of Marine Biology terminology More...
[ Glossary Builder: Jeff Levinton, No. of Definitions: 332 ]
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Glossary of Entomology and Crop Protection

A glossary of terms related to Entomology, Crop Protection and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hein Bijlmakers, No. of Definitions: 309 ]
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Dog Breed Encyclopedia More...
[ Glossary Builder: Digital Pet, No. of Definitions: 298 ]
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Glossaire des insectes

Glossaire des insectes, Wikipedia:
Wikipédia® est une encyclopédie libre, gratuite, universelle et multilingue, écrite bénévolement par des volontaires. Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Tous les textes sont disponibles sous les termes de la licence de documentation libre GNU (GFDL). More...
[ Glossary Builder: Wikipédia Français, L'encyclopédie libre, No. of Definitions: 148 ]
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The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE)

The Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (RFE) is a compilation of data in several formats that assists with the accurate identification of fish species. It was developed by FDA's RFE Team to help federal, state, and local officials and purchasers of seafood identify species substitution and economic deception in the marketplace. More...
[ Glossary Builder: RFE, Office of Seafood and Office of Regulatory Affairs, FDA, 19, No. of Definitions: 134 ]
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HanemYara Glossary of Birds

This glossary is concrened with the names of birds from English into arabic. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Alaa N. al-Ghoul, No. of Definitions: 134 ]
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Glossaire phytosanitaire

Glossaire phytosanitaire, Wikipedia:
Ce glossaire phytosanitaire présente un répertoire de termes et leurs définitions, qui ont une signification particulière dans le domaine de la quarantaine végétale. Cette dernière appellation désigne l'ensemble des activités qui visent d'une part à prévenir l'introduction et la dissémination sur un territoire d'organismes nuisibles pour les végétaux, classés par la réglementation comme organismes de quarantaine, et d'autre part à les combattre officiellement.

Wikipédia® est une encyclopédie libre, gratuite, universelle et multilingue, écrite bénévolement par des volontaires. Wikipedia® est une marque déposée de la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Tous les textes sont disponibles sous les termes de la licence de documentation libre GNU (GFDL).

[ Glossary Builder: Wikipédia Français, L'encyclopédie libre, No. of Definitions: 107 ]
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The Bird / Parrot Lover Resource

The Ultimate Bird / Parrot Resource ... Learn about the many bird species of this world, including information on wild birds as well as care requirements and health aspects of our pet parrots / birds. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Sibylle Faye, No. of Definitions: 71 ]
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Tortoise and Turtle

Care and Breeding of Tortoises and Turtles More...
[ Glossary Builder: (c) Tortoise Trust, No. of Definitions: 26 ]
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