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Terms used in Aviation, Flight Test and in Aircraft Airworthiness. Translation (English to French and French to English) of aeronautical terms complemented sometimes by technical information in English. Termes utilisés dans l'aviation, les essais en vol et la navigabilité des aéronefs. Traduction (Anglais/Français et Français/Anglais) de termes utlilisés dans le monde aéronautique.
[ Glossary Builder: LANTERI Patrick,
No. of Definitions: 41,400 ]
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ICAO Airportt codes Airport - code & code - airport format
[ Glossary Builder: CAVOK,
No. of Definitions: 18,313 ]
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The Airport Code Dictionary is a great tool for aviation professionals and flight enthusiasts alike. It gives cross-reference to IATA or ICAO Airport Codes and the name and location of the airports.
The Airport Code Dictionary is based on Wikipedia® and its List of airports by IATA code. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is written collaboratively by volunteers from all over the world.
[ Glossary Builder: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
No. of Definitions: 14,995 ]
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English-Russian Civil Aviation Dictionary (TRIAL version), 4+ thous. translated entries (full version: over 21 thous. + 70 drawings) Source: V.P.Marasanov, Scorpion-Rossiya, Moscow, 1996
[ Glossary Builder: compiled by Igor Soudakevitch,
No. of Definitions: 4,459 ]
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This dictionary by Bureau of Transportation Statistics presents transportation expressions and definitions used throughout the Federal government, private organizations, Canada and Mexico. It provides users of transportation information with a comprehensive inventory of transportation expressions and their referents.
[ Glossary Builder: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S.,
No. of Definitions: 4,224 ]
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ICAO aircraft designation codes according to ICAO Doc8643.
[ Glossary Builder: Cavok,
No. of Definitions: 1,978 ]
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Acronyms and abbreviations used in ufology. Government agencies, organizations, devices and more. TIPS: If you enconter an abbraviation that uses simbol like / or - try also the short form (EG: A/L -> AL)
[ Glossary Builder: ufonet.it,
No. of Definitions: 1,719 ]
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this dictionary contains aviation words and acronyms
[ Glossary Builder: Mostafa Eghtedary Naeini,
No. of Definitions: 1,440 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: PACELLI GUIDO,
No. of Definitions: 1,392 ]
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Issued by Federal Aviation Administration, this dictionary know as the P/CG (Pilot/Controller Glossary) is an excellent compilation of acronyms, abbreviations and phrases used in the communication between pilot and controller. This version of the P/CG became effective 2/14/08 and is an addendum to:
Aeronautical Information Manual
Order 7110.10, Flight Services
Order 7110.65, Air Traffic Control.
[ Glossary Builder: Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation,
No. of Definitions: 1,357 ]
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Términos aeronáuticos antiguos
[ Glossary Builder: Los de Mar del Plata,
No. of Definitions: 1,342 ]
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ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS), Abbreviations and Codes [Doc8400]; ITU RR1990, Appendix 13&14, ACP-131(E), 1997; ARRL CW QN SIGNALS
[ Glossary Builder: D.C.,
No. of Definitions: 931 ]
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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), created 1958 and now part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, is responsible for the safety of civil aviation. FAA’s major roles include Safety Regulation, Airspace and Air Traffic Management, Air Navigation Facilities, Civil Aviation Abroad, Commercial Space Transportation, and Research, Engineering, and Development.
The FAA Glossary of Airport Acronyms is highly professional in its content and decodes for your several hundred acronyms from the different fields of FAA’s expertise. This dictionary is certainly a great asset to aviation professional.
[ Glossary Builder: Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation,
No. of Definitions: 877 ]
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The whole abbreviations mentioned in Aircraft Maintenance Manuals, Trouble Shooting Manuals, Aircraft Shematics, Aircraft Wiring Diagrams and general aircraft abbreviations of the Airbus A340 are given in its long form. Very usefull for aircraft engineers finding fast the longforms and people beeing interested in aircraft technics. You can also find the short form by its longform. Many words are explained, actually only for the letters A to B.
[ Glossary Builder: Stefan Seibt,
No. of Definitions: 795 ]
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Airline Information: IATA (International Air Transport Association) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) codes, alliance, logo, web site, FF program name, quality information from AirlineQuality.com Please comment on all missing information, especially airline status (has it gone under), and alternate names. Complete: Airline codes In progress: web, logo, ff, aliances, quality
[ Glossary Builder: Amir Kolsky,
No. of Definitions: 618 ]
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Aviation related terminology, courtesy of Spintra.com
[ Glossary Builder: Jaime Aguirre,
No. of Definitions: 553 ]
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An aircraft glossary with thumbnail photographs.
[ Glossary Builder: glue-it.com,
No. of Definitions: 459 ]
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Common Aviation Acronyms and Terms derived from many sources many of US origin and also WATOG.
[ Glossary Builder: Nigel Goring,
No. of Definitions: 377 ]
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Comprehensive glossary of aviation and aeronautical terms, including air combat terminology, definitions of personnel and flight maneuver, communication terms and phrases, and the International Radio Alphabet.
[ Glossary Builder: George Pytlik,
No. of Definitions: 361 ]
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The Aviation Weather Center (AWC), as part of the National Weather Service, is a component of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA is an Operating Unit of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The function of the Aviation Weather Center (AWC) is to save lives, protect property and enhance commerce by issuing warnings of hazardous conditions within the domestic and international airspace and by issuing operational aviation forecasts and analyses of relevant atmospheric variables. The AWC serves as a national source for aviation weather information.
The AWC Acronym Glossary is a collection of acronyms related to AWC’s fields expertise and is a very useful guide to those working in the aviation and weather forecast domain.
[ Glossary Builder: NOAA's National Weather Service, Aviation Weather Center,
No. of Definitions: 255 ]
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Du kan använda dig av detta lexicon för att få reda på mer om en flygplatsindikator samt tyda meterologiska koder. Jag har byggt detta för att själv underlätta läsandet av Metar, Taf och andra briefing tjänster. Mkt användbart! Tycker du om det? Skicka då gärna in en 50:- eller liknande på pg: 1334494-0 johan.ronnestam@spray.se
[ Glossary Builder: Johan.Ronnestam@spray.se,
No. of Definitions: 185 ]
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Terms and abbreviations relating to aviation during W.W.II
[ Glossary Builder: K. N Chetwyn,
No. of Definitions: 128 ]
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