Displaying results 1 - 28 of 28.
English_Spanish by Jaime Aguirre
English <> Spanish - Acronyms, automotive, business, clinical, computers, IT, financial, legal, medical, nautical, scientific, technical, jargon and much more... Please contact should you wish to purchase the fully bilingual bidirectional version with twice the content. Por favor contacte a si desea comprar la versión bilingüe completamente bidireccional y el doble de contenido - Última actualización: Diciembre de 2005 -
[ Glossary Builder: Jaime Aguirre -,
No. of Definitions: 89,218 ]
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English - Greek Technical Dictionary
Contains more than 55.000 (Technical, Jargon, Financial, Medical, Jurisprudential, Nautical, Archaic, Latin.....) elementary terms and 30.000 expressions & idioms
[ Glossary Builder: AJV,
No. of Definitions: 88,470 ]
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Victors - Dictionar Tehnic (Englez-Roman)
A general English-Romanian glossary of technology words and phrases covering a wide variety of fields. Click on or type at least four letters of a word or phrase to get definitions.
[ Glossary Builder:
Victor Ploscaru , No. of Definitions: 35,230 ]
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Victor Ploscaru , No. of Definitions: 35,230 ]
Victors - Dictionar Tehnic (Roman-Englez)
A general Romanian-English glossary of technology words and phrases covering a wide variety of fields. Click on or type at least four letters of a word or phrase to get definitions.
[ Glossary Builder:
Victor Ploscaru , No. of Definitions: 35,230 ]
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Victor Ploscaru , No. of Definitions: 35,230 ]
English Greek Technical Dictionary
A comprehensive glossary on Technical Terminology, which contains mechanical engineering terms and acronyms.
[ Glossary Builder: AJV,
No. of Definitions: 7,615 ]
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abbreviations used by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and 3GPP according to 3G TR 21.905
[ Glossary Builder: Atef Sharia and Beni,
No. of Definitions: 5,806 ]
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Glossary of petroleum Industry
a glossary containing terms and definitions related to petroleum industry esp. upstream sector
[ Glossary Builder: Parmanand Thakur,
No. of Definitions: 4,564 ]
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BTS Transportation Expressions
This dictionary by Bureau of Transportation Statistics presents transportation expressions and definitions used throughout the Federal government, private organizations, Canada and Mexico. It provides users of transportation information with a comprehensive inventory of transportation expressions and their referents.
[ Glossary Builder: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S.,
No. of Definitions: 4,224 ]
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Technical English by wpv
Compilation of a lot of important technical words, that you don´t usually find in generic dictionary. Mainly for Mechanical and Electrical Eng.
[ Glossary Builder: Walter Perez,
No. of Definitions: 2,929 ]
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EIA Energy Glossary
This glossary, compiled by the EIA – the U.S. Energy Information Administration, explains terms relevant to petroleum, natural gas, electricity, coal, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and alternative fuels
[ Glossary Builder: Energy Information Administration (EIA),
No. of Definitions: 2,310 ]
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Technisch Deutsch Englisch
Technische Begriffe der Elektrotechnik von Deutsch zu Englisch
[ Glossary Builder: M. Neuninger,
No. of Definitions: 2,310 ]
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Technisch Deutsch Französisch
Technische Begriffe der Elektrotechnik von Deutsch zu Französisch
[ Glossary Builder: M. Neuninger,
No. of Definitions: 2,310 ]
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Technisch Deutsch Italienisch
Technische Begriffe der Elektrotechnik von Deutsch zu Italienisch
[ Glossary Builder: M. Neuninger,
No. of Definitions: 2,310 ]
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Technisch Deutsch Spanisch
Technische Begriffe der Elektrotechnik von Deutsch zu Spanisch
[ Glossary Builder: M. Neuninger,
No. of Definitions: 2,309 ]
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Technisch Italienisch Deutsch
Technische Begriffe der Elektrotechnik von Italienisch zu Deutsch
[ Glossary Builder: M. Neuninger,
No. of Definitions: 2,268 ]
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Technical Dictionary V1.0
Quick references and simple dictionary for industrial terms Turkish to English
[ Glossary Builder: Cihan Ünlü,
No. of Definitions: 2,200 ]
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EPA Terms of Environment
The "Terms Of Environment" glossary defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other Agency documents available to the general public, students, the media, and Agency employees.
[ Glossary Builder: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
No. of Definitions: 1,910 ]
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Technical and Contractual Dictionary
English-Turkish Dictionary of Technical and Contractual Terms Ingilizce-Türkçe Teknik ve Sözlesme Terimleri Sözlügü e.mail:
[ Glossary Builder: A. Ugur Uncuoglu,
No. of Definitions: 1,105 ]
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Jeff Morrison´s Eng/Span Pipeline Construction Field Glossary
Basic, two-way English-Spanish glossary of terms used in pipeline construction, welding and X-raying. Also contains useful parts of speech and expressions for communication in the field. Spanish nouns are preceded by gender indication. Parenthetical notes are provided, as appropriate.
Glosario básico inglés-español-inglés de términos utilizados en la construcción de oleoductos, la soldadura y pruebas de tubería por rayos X. También contiene expresiones y diversas palabras útiles para la comunicación en el campo. La indicación de género precede a los sustantivos en español y se ofrecen aclaraciones entre paréntesis, según corresponda.
[ Glossary Builder: Professional Translation Services:,
No. of Definitions: 825 ]
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Integrated Circuit Terminology
Comprehensive glossary explaining terms related to integrated circuits; of particular interest for users working in the semiconductor industry.
[ Glossary Builder: IC Knowledge LLC,
No. of Definitions: 732 ]
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Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems
A hyperlinked dictionary with important concepts from the domains of cybernetics, systems theory and self-organization.
[ Glossary Builder: Francis Heylighen,
No. of Definitions: 610 ]
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ATM Forum
ATM Forum © Copyright 2002 The ATM Forum. All Rights Reserved. For web comments/inquiries, email All other questions, contact us ( ).
[ Glossary Builder: ATM Forum,
No. of Definitions: 583 ]
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Digital Video (DV) & video edit terms / Eng2Eng v1.0 (web compilation)
Digital Video (DV) and video edit terms v1.0 (compilation by Erdem Peremeci) Eng2Eng Dijital Video ve video edit terimleri v1.0 (Erdem Peremeci tarafýndan derlenmiþtir) Ýngilizce-Ýngilizce http://www.KisaFilm.Net
[ Glossary Builder: Erdem Peremeci -,
No. of Definitions: 489 ]
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BioProcess International™ Glossary
This industry glossary, compiled by BioProcess International™, helps you to navigate through the bioprocessing industry. It covers topics like BioIndustrial Chromatography, Culture Media, International Pharmaceutical Regulation, the Language of Vaccines and Immunology, and technical terms.
[ Glossary Builder: BioProcess International™,
No. of Definitions: 445 ]
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Technical Glossary German-Portuguese
General technical glossary. Continuous up-datin. More than 6 years of translation experience in the technological sectors of machinery, chemistry, computer assisted systems, quality systems and industrial equipment. German to Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal).
[ Glossary Builder: Dr. Henrique Northfleet Neto,
No. of Definitions: 401 ]
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All about PhotoImpact + Electronic
.حدود نود درصد اين لغت نامه مربوط به الکترونيک و کامپيوتر است عزيزان مي توانند پيشنهادات و انتقادات خود را از طريق ايميل زير براي من ارسال کنند internet:
[ Glossary Builder: ramin firooz,
No. of Definitions: 304 ]
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EC Glossaire de l'eau douce
Glossaire comprenant un large éventail de termes relatifs à l'eau et particulièrement à l'eau douce et qui permet d'élargir ses connaissances sur le sujet de l'eau de façon générale.
[ Glossary Builder: Environment Canada,
No. of Definitions: 174 ]
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List of Periodic Table Elements
This list of periodic table elements is searchable per the English and Hebrew names or the symbol of the elements. It informs you about the atomic number, atomic weight, year of discovery, melting and boiling point of the elements.
[ Glossary Builder: Prof. Israel Hanukoglu,
No. of Definitions: 109 ]
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