Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9.
US Zip Codes
A list of of the zip codes in the USA. The code is displayed when clicking on its number or its connected city.
[ Glossary Builder: Zohar Birkman,
No. of Definitions: 29,468 ]
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U.S. Gazetteer 2000
In general a gazetteer is a geographical dictionary for information about places and place names. The U.S. Gazetteer, published by the Geography Division of the U.S. Census Bureau, allows you to lookup more than 28,000 names of places, towns, cities and counties in the United States. The accompanying data is based on the U.S. Census 2000.
[ Glossary Builder: U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division,
No. of Definitions: 28,590 ]
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JM American Indians
Linguistic Classification of American Indian Languages and Tribes in Greenland, Canada, USA and Mexico. The dictionary will link to my Internet page for more information: http://users.cybercity.dk/~nmb3879/indian0.html
[ Glossary Builder: John Madsen,
No. of Definitions: 1,792 ]
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US area codes
All phone area codes in the US
[ Glossary Builder: Nivi Naor,
No. of Definitions: 750 ]
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The Glossary of the American Council on Science and Health
Glossary of the American Council on Science and Health.
[ Glossary Builder: Jack Raso,
No. of Definitions: 374 ]
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Queen's English - American English Glossary
Think you speak English? Then what do they speak? Explore the differences the last few hundred years have brought to our shared langauage here.
[ Glossary Builder: Steve Stone,
No. of Definitions: 236 ]
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Vox Slang
A glossary of American slang
[ Glossary Builder: ,
No. of Definitions: 226 ]
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Massachusetts Divorce Law Dictionary
Glossary of terms related Divorce Law in Massachusetts, USA
[ Glossary Builder: Sharyn T. Sooho and Steven L. Fuchs,
No. of Definitions: 220 ]
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National Standards for Civics and Government
Glossary of basic terms related to American government and the Bill of Rights
[ Glossary Builder: Greg Synnott,
No. of Definitions: 141 ]
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