Asia Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 22 of 22.

Yeni Osmanlıca - Türkçe Lügat v0.1

Yeni Osmanlıca - Türkçe Lügat Sürüm 0.1 Sözluğün bu ilk sürümünde 60.000'den fazla Osmanlıca kelime/yapı'nın Türkçe karşılıkları var. Terimlerle ilgili eleştirilerinizi veya varsa yeni önerilerinizi adresine bildirebilirsiniz. Eleştirileriniz için şimdiden Teşekkür ederiz. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Burak GÜRER, No. of Definitions: 60,095 ]
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This is a rough compilation from different sources. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Sten Hjelmqvist, No. of Definitions: 12,989 ]
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English to Turkmen More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ebrahim Eliasian, No. of Definitions: 7,577 ]
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English - Maranao Dictionary

Maranao Dictionary. Maranao is the dialect of the Maranaos (People of the Lake) of Southern Philippines. The Maranaos is the largest tribe of the group of Muslims in the Philippines. An online version of this dictionary can be accessed at More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ashary Tamano, No. of Definitions: 7,322 ]
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Disionáriu Tetun-Portugés-Indonéziu (Dicionário Tétum-Português-Indonésio - Kamus Tetun-Portugis-Indonesia). Original por instituição Buka Hatene e Instituto Nacional de Linguística da Universidade Nacional de Timor Leste. Formatado para o Babylon Translator pelo jornalista e professor José Antonio Meira da Rocha More...
[ Glossary Builder: Buka Hatene, No. of Definitions: 7,267 ]
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Natur-Glossar [de]

Glossar mit Begriffen aus dem Bereich der Natur Euroasiens (Pflanzen, Vögel, Tiere, Mineralien,...);
Sprache: de(*) -> la(*), en(*), tr(*), it, fr, es, pt, gr, nl, dk, fi, sv, pl und ru
(* präziser...)

VII/2003 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Roman Neumüller, No. of Definitions: 3,826 ]
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Indian STD Codes

STD Codes, Area Codes of Indian Cities (Subscribers Trunk Dialling) Numbers More...
[ Glossary Builder: Gopinath Goswami, No. of Definitions: 3,631 ]
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Glossaire de la nature de l'Eurasie

Glossaire avec termes de la Nature (plantes, oiseaux, animal, mineral,...);
langue: fr -> la(*), de(*), en(*), tr(*), it, es, pt, gr, nl, dk, fi, sv, pl et ru;
(* plus précis...)

XII/2003 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Roman Neumüller, No. of Definitions: 3,321 ]
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Dialing Codes of Pakistan

This glossary includes dialing codes of 1507 telephone exchange areas all over the PAKISTAN. It is one of the most comprehensive directory in this field I know. I hope that you people will like this and it will be help ful to you in this respect. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Yasir Hayat, No. of Definitions: 1,503 ]
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This is the english translation of the civil code of islamic republic of iran . in order to use this glossary you can write number of articles . for example : article 512 . this glossary contains 1335 articles. email : More...
[ Glossary Builder: ABOLFAZL SHADVAR, No. of Definitions: 1,329 ]
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Khowar English Dictionary

Khowar - English Dictionary including more 500 translated words which give examples of the difficult phonemes. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad Ismail Sloan, No. of Definitions: 499 ]
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Türkçe Kazakça Sözlük More...
[ Glossary Builder: Fatih, No. of Definitions: 402 ]
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The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran More...
[ Glossary Builder: ABOLFAZL SAMADI SHADVAR, No. of Definitions: 202 ]
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Hinduism Glossary for Introduction to Religion

Glossary of terms related to Hinduism More...
[ Glossary Builder: Paul V.M. Flesher, No. of Definitions: 84 ]
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Türkiye'deki şehirlerin trafik plaka kodları ya da telefon alan kodlarını içeren bir sözlük. Girdi olarak; şehir ismi, trafik kodu ya da telefon alan kodundan herhangi biri ile arama yapabilirsiniz. More...
[ Glossary Builder: mahmutozturk, No. of Definitions: 82 ]
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Official Islam Glossary for Introduction to Religion

Glossary of terms and names of the Islamic Religion More...
[ Glossary Builder: Paul V.M. Flesher, No. of Definitions: 82 ]
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Martial Arts Glossary

Glossary of terms used in the martial arts, including pictures. More...
[ Glossary Builder: David DeVere, No. of Definitions: 72 ]
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Glossary of Martial Arts Terms

Terms and Definitions of Martial Arts More...
[ Glossary Builder: David L. Ballard, No. of Definitions: 58 ]
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Classical Carnatic Music of South India - Rhythm Glossary

Glossary contains information about the rhythm terms used in Classical Carnatic Music of south India. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Jagannathan Balaji, No. of Definitions: 43 ]
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Hindi Equivalents of English Cookery Terms

A glossary of terms from the Indian cuisine More...
[ Glossary Builder: Indiabuzz, No. of Definitions: 42 ]
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Glossary of Martial Arts Terms

Glossary of terms used in the martial arts More...
[ Glossary Builder: MAWN.NET, No. of Definitions: 21 ]
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T'ai Chi Ch'uan with Ron Perfetti

Discription of terms used in or associated with either traditional T'ai Chi practice, Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Taoism. Discription of terms used in or associated with either aditional. T'ai Chi practice, Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Taoism. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ron Perfetti, No. of Definitions: 19 ]
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