Displaying results 1 - 8 of 8.
ICD-10 Each Cause List
This document presents the ICD-10 valid underlying codes. The list provides ICD-10 codes and associated cause-of-death titles for the most detailed listing of causes of death.
This material is provided by NCHS which is a subunit of CDC/ATSDR. It has been cleared for distribution by CDC/ATSDR and will be authentic if gotten from ftp://ftp.cdc.gov. CDC/ATSDR takes all effort to assure the authenticity of electronically distributed documents. However, in all instances where the electronic and official agency record differ, the authenticity of the official agency record is controlling. More...
[ Glossary Builder: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS),
No. of Definitions: 9,272 ]
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This is a strong English-Persian dictionary in Farsi language about statistics that contains over 5300 keywords statistics. email:jamshid_jamali@yahoo.com weblog:http://statistics.mihanblog.com
[ Glossary Builder: JAMSHID JAMALI,
No. of Definitions: 5,339 ]
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This is a strong Persian-English dictionary in Farsi language about statistics that contains over 4800 keywords statistics. email:jamshid_jamali@yahoo.com weblog:http://statistics.mihanblog.com
[ Glossary Builder: JAMSHID JAMALI,
No. of Definitions: 4,810 ]
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CIA World Factbook 2005
U.S. government profiles of countries and territories around the world. A wealth of information on geography, maps, flags, people, government, transportation, economy, communications, military, and transnational issues.
[ Glossary Builder: CIA - Central Intelligence Agency, USA,
No. of Definitions: 2,391 ]
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Statistiques (Anglais => Français)
Ce dictionnaire donne la traduction en français de nombreux termes anglais employés en statistiques
[ Glossary Builder: Dr Bernard Auriol,
No. of Definitions: 734 ]
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Electronic Statistics Textbook
The StatSoft electronic statistics textbook includes hundreds of illustrations and offers quick, easy and free unlimited access to training in and application of statistics. The material is developed at the StatSoft R&D department and covers a wide variety of applications such as laboratory research (biomedical, agricultural, etc.), business statistics and forecasting, social science statistics and survey research, data mining, engineering, quality control applications, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Susan Portrey,
No. of Definitions: 652 ]
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Bureau of Labor Statistics Glossary
Glossary containing the most essential terminology used in the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
[ Glossary Builder: U.S. Department of Labor,
No. of Definitions: 178 ]
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Common Concepts in Statistics
Glossary of common concepts in statistics. Includes links
[ Glossary Builder: M.Tevfik Dorak,
No. of Definitions: 162 ]
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