Acronyms & Abbreviations Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 65.

SAP Tables with Description

This Glossary is prepared for SAP user who can easily access the Description of the SAP Table More...
[ Glossary Builder: Karthik C S, No. of Definitions: 133,566 ]
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Acronyms from A - Z

Dieses Glossar enthält mehr als 42.500 Einträge mit weit über 80.000 möglichen Abkürzungserklärungen. z.B:ICAO-Codes,RFC-Listen,LNC-Listen,A.n-Z.n(CCITT/ITU-)Empfehlungslisten,DIN-Listen,TopLevelDomains,Autokennzeichen,Armeedienstgrade,Sternzeichen,NASA-Mission usw. Mit tausenden internen und externen Links (ohne Garantie). Neue Vorschläge sind immer willkommen. Updates werden unregelmässig erstellt. Mehr Infos demnächst unter enjoy it. sniigger More...
[ Glossary Builder:, No. of Definitions: 42,587 ]
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ICAO Airport codes

ICAO Airportt codes Airport - code & code - airport format More...
[ Glossary Builder: CAVOK, No. of Definitions: 18,313 ]
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computer file types

Computer File Type More...
[ Glossary Builder: Samil AGRALI -, No. of Definitions: 8,535 ]
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Computer Abbreviations v1.5

Computer Abbreviations and File Extensions More...
[ Glossary Builder: ilker akkaya, No. of Definitions: 8,005 ]
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9300+ Computer Acronyms

This is a very extensive glossary of computer acronyms. With a list of over 9300 computer acronyms, you're sure to find what you're looking for. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Carlos Guerrera, No. of Definitions: 6,821 ]
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International Relations and Security Acronyms

Acronyms on International Relations and Security
Sources amongst others:
NATO Handbook: Appendix 7 - Abbreviations in Common Use More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hans Johnsson, No. of Definitions: 6,158 ]
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abbreviations used by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and 3GPP according to 3G TR 21.905 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Atef Sharia and Beni, No. of Definitions: 5,806 ]
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Askeri (ABD Savunma Bakanligi (DOD) Kýsaltmalarý)

ABD Savunma Bakanlýðý Kýsaltmalarý. Görüþ ve önerileriniz için e-mail: More...
[ Glossary Builder: Selman Guven, No. of Definitions: 5,324 ]
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AuiW - Abkürzungen und ihre Wortlaute

Über 5000 Abkürzungen nur aus dem Bereich der EDV. Für mehr auf vorbeischauen. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Carsten Franke, No. of Definitions: 5,086 ]
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Most Common Acronyms and Abbreviations

More than 8,000 definitions of the most common acronyms and abbreviations from all subject areas, including slang, internet, chat, email, newsgroups, and much more. Each definition includes a link to other possible meanings. Brought to you by Acronym Finder, the ultimate searchable database of more than 220,000 acronyms and abbreviations and their definitions. This glossary ©1988-2002, All Rights Reserved. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Acronym Finder, No. of Definitions: 3,629 ]
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Uri's File.*Xten.c.ons*

file extensions PC related , more will come, etc.. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Uri Goldberg, No. of Definitions: 3,419 ]
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Dictionnaire des abréviations

Avec toutes les abréviations qui existe il est difficile de connaître leurs significations. C'est pour cela que j'ai créé ce dictionnaire des abréviations. Son but est de regrouper toutes les abréviations françaises ou étrangères. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Calaereb, No. of Definitions: 2,596 ]
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Oceanographic, Meteorologal & Climatologal abbreviations and acronyms

List of abbreviations and acronyms used in Oceanography, Meteorology and Climatology. [> xxxxx] indicates that the abbreviation or acronym is related to, or part of, 'xxxxx'. (Author of this list is a member of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research [Royal NIOZ] - Data Management Group; Texel island, The Netherlands). More...
[ Glossary Builder: Jan Nieuwenhuis, No. of Definitions: 2,551 ]
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Lista de acrónimos traducidos del inglés al español - a list of acronyms translated from english to spanish- More...
[ Glossary Builder: Enrique Chornogubsky, No. of Definitions: 2,029 ]
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ICAO aircraft designation codes

ICAO aircraft designation codes according to ICAO Doc8643. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Cavok, No. of Definitions: 1,978 ]
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Die Abkürzungen der Juristen

Diese Übersicht faßt die in juristischen Veröffentlichungen üblichen Abkürzungen und Kurzformen von Gesetzes- und Verordnungenamen und Bezeichnungen wichtiger Rechtsvorschriften zusammen. Sie erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und wird von Zeit zu Zeit weiterentwickelt. Nicht alle aufgeführten Rechtsvorschriften sind noch gültig. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Harry Zingel, No. of Definitions: 1,953 ]
Add this Glossary - Spanish - The source for acronyms and abbreviations. More...
[ Glossary Builder:, No. of Definitions: 1,934 ]
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Commonly used abbreviations in spanish and latin american press. Specially designed for coding desks use. Contains a broad list of abbreviations of organizations, government plans, community groups, etc. This glossary is updated at least once a month by people working on print editons in spanish language from all over th world. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Sylvia Shishkova and Kalinka Hristova, No. of Definitions: 1,819 ]
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NATO Acronyms

Summary of NATO Acronyms mainly related to Air Operations. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Marcus Levy Swiss Air Force, No. of Definitions: 1,775 ]
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This is a compilation of acronyms and abbreviations commonly used within HSE. It is based on information gathered from all parts of HSE. Where possible we have verified the information from printed sources. Abbreviations readily available elsewhere, have not been included in this edition. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Haytham A/Fattah Mohamed, No. of Definitions: 1,709 ]
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Hill Associates Acronym List

Home-grown listing of acronyms used in telephony, networking, telecommunications, and many areasof computer science. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hill Associates, Inc., No. of Definitions: 1,565 ]
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Telecom Terms

Terms and abbreviations used in telecommunications and IT. Covers GSM, SDH, PDH, ATM, UMTS and many other fields. Comments to More...
[ Glossary Builder: Dagobert Wiedamann, No. of Definitions: 1,436 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: PACELLI GUIDO, No. of Definitions: 1,392 ]
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Woordenlijst informatica

NULL More...
[ Glossary Builder: I.R. Jon Ming, No. of Definitions: 1,339 ]
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The Comprehensive Acronym List (CAL)

[THIS IS STILL APLHA] To be true, this isn't really a glossary. It is a "what-could-they-have-meant"-list of acronyms and their meanings. You can look up the detailed meaning of an acronym and then look it up word by word or get some more informations from the provided link(s). More...
[ Glossary Builder: Malte S. Stretz, No. of Definitions: 1,305 ]
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Military Abbreviations

Glossary of English language military abbreviations and acronyms used within NATO; also included 3-digit ISO letter code for all countries and geographical entities. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Werner Christmann, No. of Definitions: 1,103 ]
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If you ever see someone TYPING AN ENTIRE SENTENCE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS that means SHOUTING! It is not proper netiquette to TYPE IN ALL CAPS (even in e-mail), in fact, it's annoying. if you're in a hurry (or want to do what many people online already do), then type in all lower case, unless you want to imply that YOU ARE SHOUTING! created by : Saeid Fereshtehhoosh Email : More...
[ Glossary Builder: Saeid Fereshtehhoosh, No. of Definitions: 1,078 ]
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Internet and Chat Abbreviations

The glossary has been built by Ali Taghipour, student in University of Yazd & Chamran University of Ahwaz -Iran **** E-mail: **** Yahoo ID: atp1400 **** The abbreviations and their descriptions have been compiled by James Marshall More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ali Taghipour, No. of Definitions: 1,049 ]
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NCTS Glossary v.1.0

NCTS - New Computerized Transit System Glossary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Augusto Firmo, No. of Definitions: 986 ]
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