Displaying results 1 - 30 of 82.
Türkçe Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi
Vikipedi®, bir çok dilde yazılmış, Web bazlı ve özgür içerikli bir ansiklopedi olup, okuyucuları ve gönüllüleri tarafından Wiki yazılımı kullanılarak beraberce yazılmıştır ve kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluş olan Wikimedia Fonu tarafından işletilmektedir.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Software Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 472,906 ]
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Büyük Türkçe -KürtçeSözlük 2.0
170.000 kelimelik büyük kürtçe-türkçe sözlük. Güncellendi.
[ Glossary Builder: osmanoca,
No. of Definitions: 170,068 ]
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Büyük Kürtçe-Türkçe Sözlük 2.0
170.000 kelimelik büyük kürtçe-türkçe sözlük. Güncellendi...
[ Glossary Builder: osmanoca,
No. of Definitions: 170,066 ]
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Babylon English-Turkish
This comprehensive English-Turkish dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 168,753 ]
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Babylon Turkish-English
This comprehensive Turkish-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 97,624 ]
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turkish 2 persian sozluk
این فرهنگ ترکی-فارسی به روش اتوماتیک ایجاد شده است و ممکن است کم وکاستی های داشته باشد .وضمنا برای هر کلمه فقط یک معادل آورده شده است . از آنجا که فرهنگی الکترونیکی برای زبان ترکی و فارسی وجود نداشت ،ایده ی ساخت آن به ذهنم رسید.منتظر نظراتتون هستم مهدی مرادی دانشجوی ارشد زبانشناسی رایانشی دانشگاه شریف ساغ اولون وطن داشلاریم
[ Glossary Builder: mehdi moradi,
No. of Definitions: 84,286 ]
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saja english to turkish dictionary v.2
Sozlugun bu ikinci sürümünde 72.000'den fazla Ingilizce kelime/yapi'nin Turkçe karsiliklari var. Gün geçtikçe yenileri de eklenip güncellenecek. Oneri, talep ve elestirileriniz için lütfen mail atiniz. This second version of "English to Turkish" dictionary includes over 72.000 definitions. Of course, it will be upgraded and expanded in time. please e-mail me for your suggestions / questions. email: - icq: uin#184361
[ Glossary Builder: T. Barbaros Ulutas,
No. of Definitions: 72,755 ]
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Erzin English-Turkish Dictionary
Ingilizce-Türkçe Sözlük
[ Glossary Builder: Ertugrul ERZIN,
No. of Definitions: 67,959 ]
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English-Türkçe Sözlük
Sözlükte 67.000'den fazla İngilizce kelimenin Türkçe karşılıkları bulunmakta...
[ Glossary Builder: Tumani29,
No. of Definitions: 67,182 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's English to Turkish Dictionary
English to Turkish Dictionary, Prepared by ClintSTAR icq:106158838
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ,
No. of Definitions: 64,937 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's Turkish to English Dictionary
Turkish to English Dictionray Prepared by CintSTAR from Istanbul icq: 106158838
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ,
No. of Definitions: 62,462 ]
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Arapca Turkce Arapca
arapca kelimelerin turkce karsiligi ve aciklamalarini bulabilin. 50 Bin kusur kelime mevcuttur. gayet faydali bir calisma olmus. sozlugu yapana ve bana da dua edebilirsiniz. saygilarimla. vatana millete hayirli ossun.
[ Glossary Builder: sozler,
No. of Definitions: 52,975 ]
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Turkce Arapca
Turkceden Arapcaya Turkce kelimelerin aciklamalarini iceren bir sozluk. Yahsi sozlukten alinmistir. yapana ve bana da dua edebilirsiniz.
[ Glossary Builder: sozler,
No. of Definitions: 52,975 ]
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Castellano >Turko Diccionario
A great dictionary from Spanish to Turkish. Over 50.000 word This version is alpha. So somethings maybe wrong. Write any problem to 2008 Version 1.0
[ Glossary Builder: kelebekze,
No. of Definitions: 52,800 ]
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Di ferhengê de dora 33.000 bêje hene. ji çend heb ferhengên heyî hatine berhevkirin. ji wan re em spas dikin.
[ Glossary Builder: osman aslanoglu,
No. of Definitions: 48,916 ]
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37541 English words translated into Turkish words, include examples
[ Glossary Builder: Magnetron,
No. of Definitions: 36,366 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's Francais - Turc Dictionnaire
This dictionary was developed by Clint in Beşiktaş,Istanbul. if u wonder the meaning of "mustafa" search it from this dictionary :) hope to c u in world wonder Istanbul. greetings... Mustafa YILDIZ Electrical and Electronics Engineer (MSc IT) icq no: 106158838 mail:
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ,
No. of Definitions: 34,740 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's Turc - Francais Dictionnaire
This dictionary was developed by Clint in Beþiktaþ,Istanbul. if u wonder the meaning of "mustafa" search it from this dictionary :) hope to c u in world wonder Istanbul. greetings... Mustafa YILDIZ Electrical and Electronics Engineer (MSc IT) icq no: 106158838 mail:
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ,
No. of Definitions: 34,366 ]
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ELIF - German-Turkish Buyuk Sozluk
ELIF - Almanca - Turkce Buyuk Sozluk; (ELIF - German - Turkish Dictionary); (ELIF - Deutsch - Türkisch); e-mail: onerilerinizi bekliyorum:
[ Glossary Builder: Oguz ARICI,
No. of Definitions: 34,309 ]
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saja turkish - english dictionary
Sozlugun bu ilk sürümünde 36.000'den fazla Turkce kelime/yapi'nin Ingilizce karsiliklari var. Gün geçtikçe yenileri de eklenip güncellenecek. Oneri, talep ve elestirileriniz için lütfen mail atiniz. This first version of "Turkish to English" dictionary includes over 36.000 definitions. Of course, it will be upgraded and expanded in time. please e-mail me for your suggestions / questions. email: - icq: uin#184361
[ Glossary Builder: T. Barbaros Ulutas,
No. of Definitions: 33,464 ]
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Askeri Tur-Ing
MATS veritabanýndan faydalanýlarak hazýrlanmýþtýr.
[ Glossary Builder: Selman GUVEN,
No. of Definitions: 29,079 ]
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Baydaş_Medikal Terimler 2004
A Dictionary of Medical Terminology used in Türkiye. Contains both Latin and English terms.
[ Glossary Builder: Dr.Cüneyt Bora Baydas,
No. of Definitions: 26,776 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: ERKAN METIN,
No. of Definitions: 25,684 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's Deutsch - Turkisch Wörterbuch
This dictionary was developed by Clint in Beşiktaş,Istanbul. if u wonder the meaning of "mustafa" search it from this dictionary :) hope to c u in world wonder Istanbul. greetings... Mustafa YILDIZ Electrical and Electronics Engineer (MSc IT) icq no: 106158838 mail:
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ,
No. of Definitions: 24,350 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's Turkisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch
This dictionary was developed by Clint in Beþiktaþ,Istanbul. if u wonder the meaning of "mustafa" search it from this dictionary :) hope to c u in world wonder Istanbul. greetings... Mustafa YILDIZ Electrical and Electronics Engineer (MSc IT) icq no: 106158838 mail:
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ,
No. of Definitions: 23,941 ]
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Russian-Turkish Dictionary
TR: Rusça kelimelerin Türkçe açıklamalarını içeren temel bir sözlüktür. Ruça kelimelerin sadece ilk (basic) anlamları olup, alternatifler yoktur. RU: Ğóññêî-Òóğåöêèé ñëîâàğü, ñîäåğæèò îêîëî 21800 ñëîâ. EN: This is a basic Russian-Turkish dictionary and contains only basic meanings of phrases, no alternatives. E-MAIL:
[ Glossary Builder: Huseyin MUFTUOGLU,
No. of Definitions: 21,801 ]
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Askeri Terimler Sozlugu
[ Glossary Builder: Gnkur.Gn.P.P.OBS.S.Md.lugu,
No. of Definitions: 18,875 ]
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Nebiyan Turkish-German
Türkçe Almanca Sözlük. Türkisch Deutsch Wörterbuch.
[ Glossary Builder: Nebiyan,
No. of Definitions: 17,497 ]
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Turkish - Deutsch Worterbuch
Türkçe - Almanca Sözlük v1.5 - Türkisch - Deutsch Wörterbuch v1.5
[ Glossary Builder: ilker akkaya,
No. of Definitions: 17,106 ]
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ADO's Deutsch-Türkisch
ADO's Deutsch-Türkisch Technisches Wörterbuch und mehr
[ Glossary Builder: ADO,
No. of Definitions: 15,792 ]
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