Displaying results 1 - 30 of 115.
ويکي پدياي فارسي – دانشنامه رايگان
اين نسخه فارسي ويکي پديا مي باشد. ويکي پديا يک دانشنامه چندزبانه، اينترنتي و محتوا آزاد است. مطالب مختلف ويکي پديا توسط گروهي از افراد داوطلب با نرم افزار ويکي نوشته مي شود، اين بدان معني است که تقريباً همگان مي توانند مقالاتي به اين دانشنامه اضافه کرده يا ويرايش کنند.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 1,568,419 ]
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hFarsi - advanced version
Advanced farsi glossary with expression's details and similar word. "Using in farsi or arabic windows" emial:h_r_110@yahoo.com;homan_peik@yahoo.com ; web:www.geocities.com\h_r_110
[ Glossary Builder: Hojjat Rabiee,
No. of Definitions: 249,642 ]
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Pesian To English advanced
این ویرایش شامل: معانی لغات انگلیسی به صورت همزمان- افزایش دامنه لغات- --افزودن افعال دوبخشی با برداشتن پیشوند -حذف لغات تکراری
[ Glossary Builder: Reza Moshksar,
No. of Definitions: 219,912 ]
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MHM Advanced English > Persian (v. 90)
در اين ويرايش سعى شده است تا امکان جستجو به کمک پيوندها به سادگى و زيبايى ارايه شود. سعى شده است که ايرادهاى نمايش کلمات رفع شود و با استفاده از رنگ هاى مناسب زيبايى نمايش لغات و معنى آنها بيشتر شود. تقديم به دوستداران زبان فارسى. مرتضى حاجى محمودزاده زمستان 1388 |
[ Glossary Builder: Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh,
No. of Definitions: 183,868 ]
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MHM Persian > English Dictionary
In this version of Persian-English dictionary:
1- You can use the LINKED LIST. It's nice!
2- farsi words have been revised
3- parenthesis are almost free of wrong
Strongly recommended to use Babylon pro v.6
Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh
morteza16@Yahoo.com More...
1- You can use the LINKED LIST. It's nice!
2- farsi words have been revised
3- parenthesis are almost free of wrong
Strongly recommended to use Babylon pro v.6
Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh
morteza16@Yahoo.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Morteza Mahmoudzadeh,
No. of Definitions: 113,328 ]
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Farajbeik Farsi ( Windows Latin )
Version 3 of English to Farsi Dictionary. Copyright 05/10/2000, by Hossein Farajbeik. Email Address: h_farajbeik@yahoo.com For use this Dictionary : Download "IranSystem" font. After installing IranSystem font perform the following : 1) Click the "Configuration" button in Babylon menu in Taskbar. 2) Change the Font to IranSystem for English language in the "Appearance" Tab. Use in Microsoft Windows without Farsi support.
[ Glossary Builder: Farajbeik,
No. of Definitions: 84,290 ]
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Farajbeik Farsi ( Windows Farsi )
Version 4 of English to Farsi Dictionary. Use in Microsoft Windows with Farsi support. Copyright 2001, by Farajbeik
[ Glossary Builder: Farajbeik,
No. of Definitions: 84,288 ]
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turkish 2 persian sozluk
این فرهنگ ترکی-فارسی به روش اتوماتیک ایجاد شده است و ممکن است کم وکاستی های داشته باشد .وضمنا برای هر کلمه فقط یک معادل آورده شده است . از آنجا که فرهنگی الکترونیکی برای زبان ترکی و فارسی وجود نداشت ،ایده ی ساخت آن به ذهنم رسید.منتظر نظراتتون هستم مهدی مرادی دانشجوی ارشد زبانشناسی رایانشی دانشگاه شریف ساغ اولون وطن داشلاریم
[ Glossary Builder: mehdi moradi,
No. of Definitions: 84,286 ]
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Italian to Persian
An Italian to Persian Dictionary based on Google Translate. For more information please contact me by imanamirtaheri@gmail.com Enjoy it! ;-)
[ Glossary Builder: Iman Amirtaheri,
No. of Definitions: 67,158 ]
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MB_Dictionary of English-Persian
Version 4.2 of MB_Dictionary of English-Persian,By Majid Mehrju and Email Address:mmajid_48@yahoo.com.For use this dictionary please enable farsi or arabic of microsoft windows 98/200/xp/sever(farsi support).Last Update:Thursday, January 15, 2009
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Mehrju,
No. of Definitions: 63,370 ]
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HmT - Persian to English Glossary
Version 2.01 - 2005/11/20 - http://babylon.hmt.ir A pretty comperhensive Persian to English glossary. the main feature of this glossary is the capability of searching the pharases that contains the specific word. Please see my website for more information: http://babylon.hmt.ir. Don't hesitate to write me any problems or comments. info@hmt.ir
[ Glossary Builder: Hashem Tatari,
No. of Definitions: 50,915 ]
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Salaty English-Farsi Dict. (Graphical ver.)
English-Farsi (Persian) Aryanpur dictionary contains almost 50,000 words and definitions.
No Arabic font is required.
Presented by: Network and Information Center (NIC) of the university of Isfahan.
web site: www.ui.ac.ir
email: salaty@ui.ac.ir More...
No Arabic font is required.
Presented by: Network and Information Center (NIC) of the university of Isfahan.
web site: www.ui.ac.ir
email: salaty@ui.ac.ir More...
[ Glossary Builder: Saiied Ali Hosseinzadeh Salaty,
No. of Definitions: 49,835 ]
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Salaty English-Farsi Dict. (Text ver.)
English-Farsi (Persian) Aryanpur dictionary contains almost 50,000 words and definitions. Arabic font is required.
Presented by: Network and Information Center (NIC) of the university of Isfahan.
web site: www.ui.ac.ir
email: salaty@ui.ac.ir More...
Presented by: Network and Information Center (NIC) of the university of Isfahan.
web site: www.ui.ac.ir
email: salaty@ui.ac.ir More...
[ Glossary Builder: Saiied Ali Hosseinzadeh Salaty,
No. of Definitions: 49,835 ]
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Ourstat - Farsi to English Dictionary
Version 1.2 of OURSTAT - Farsi to English Dictionary. Last update 18/2/2004, by Abbas Eslami. Email Address: info@ourstat.com For use this Dictionary please enable farsi or Arabic support of Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Server 2003 ( Farsi support). We are tring to add about 200,000 Farsi words to this dictionary. So stay tuned and see updates. visit our site : http://www.ourstat.com
[ Glossary Builder: Abbas Eslami,
No. of Definitions: 43,745 ]
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فرهنگ معین
فرهنگ معین یکی از فرهنگهای مهم واژگان فارسی است که با همت دکتر محمد معین تدوین یافته است.
[ Glossary Builder: Ehsan-Kh,
No. of Definitions: 36,060 ]
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MHM Russian > Persian Dictionary
This is a Russian to English to Persian computer-based dictionary:
It is the first multi lingual dictionary and hence it can be improved
I dedicate it to whome learn russian language.
Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh - University of Isfahan
27-Feb. 2009 More...
It is the first multi lingual dictionary and hence it can be improved
I dedicate it to whome learn russian language.
Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh - University of Isfahan
27-Feb. 2009 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Morteza Mahmoodzadeh,
No. of Definitions: 35,106 ]
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Swedish - Persian (Majid Tafarroji)
Swedish - Persian (Farsi) dictionary with over 33 000 useful words and pictures. It will be continuously updated in the future. To create the glossary I utilized internet, newspapers, magazines and other sources. I utilized the present tense, the past tense and the participle.
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Tafarroji,
No. of Definitions: 33,961 ]
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MB_Dictionary Persian_to_Arabic
This comprehensive MB_Dictionary Persian_to_Arabic contains words,phrases.it includes terms from a vast varity of subjects,such as ,Business,Computers,etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Mehrju,
No. of Definitions: 32,577 ]
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Geology Science (M.M.Ma'leki)
Whether you're looking for a dictionary of the language to translate words into specialized geological,My Geology Science Dictionary Software Babylon, which is made by me, as I suggest. In particular, the Encyclopedia Iran geology, Many geological formations in which Iran is included. I hope you enjoy using this dictionary.This English To Parsi Dictionary contains words , Geology , abbreviations&acronyms , Tectonic , Stratigraphy , Remote sensing , Petrology , mineralogy , Elements , Geotectonic , Photo geology , Volcanology , Hydrology , Paleontology , Structural Geology , Gemology , Geotechnic , Geophysics , Geochemistry , Economic geology , Geomorphology , Dinosaurs , Geologic Time Scale , Mine , etc. Please see my website for updates : http://geologist.blogfa.com/.write me any problems or comments.Thanks
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad Mehdi Ma'leki (Iranian Geologist),
No. of Definitions: 27,418 ]
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Persisch-Deutsch; Deutsch-Persisch (Alefbâye 2om)
Ein Wörterbuch für Persisch-Deutsch und Deutsch-Persisch basierend auf Alefbâye 2om, einem Transkriptionsstandard für die persische Sprache. Version 0.9
[ Glossary Builder: Hamid Farroukh,
No. of Definitions: 26,735 ]
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An under construction glossary that contains Farsi to Farsi descriptions. this beta release only contains words starting with Alef .... updates
[ Glossary Builder: Mahdi Mashayekhi,
No. of Definitions: 25,628 ]
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resources: Mathematics and Statistics Dictionary (Iranian Mathematical Society) &Gholzam's Dictionary of Mathematics& glossary in end of books: "Principles of Mathematical Analysis By Rudin,Linear Algebra By Hoffman,Topics in Algebra By Herstein,Calculus By Silverman,Complex Analysis of Churchill,Differential Equation By Simmons" ****** my email: aahaay@gmail.com****** my weblog: www.parsaspace.com/hichkas
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad110,
No. of Definitions: 23,669 ]
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elec erfan
اين لغت نامه جهت استفاده دانشجويان رشته برق تهيه شده است.اميدوارم مفيد باشه.
[ Glossary Builder: erfan jafari,
No. of Definitions: 20,105 ]
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HmT - English to Persian Glossary
Version 1.01 - 2005/05/09 Visit my website for more information: http://babylon.hmt.ir Don't hesitate to write me any problems or ideas. info@hmt.ir
[ Glossary Builder: Hashem Tatari,
No. of Definitions: 19,627 ]
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لغت نامه نوزده هزار لغت در آثار بهائی
لغت نامه نوزده هزار لغت برای نصب بر روی نرم افزار بابیلون
[ Glossary Builder: Bahai World,
No. of Definitions: 18,612 ]
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Russian-Persian Dictionary
In The Name of God .....This dictionary contains 16324 Russian words ....Copyright © October 2005-2011 by Russian Persian Dictionary
[ Glossary Builder: Russian Persian Dictionary,
No. of Definitions: 16,738 ]
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MB_Dictionary French_to_Persian
This comprehensive MB_Dictionary French_to_Persian contains words,phrases.it includes terms from a vast varity of subjects,such as ,Business,Computers,etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Mehrju,
No. of Definitions: 16,209 ]
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Persisch-Deutsch (Alefbā-ye 2om, 2. persisches Alphabet)
Ein Wörterbuch für Persisch-Deutsch basierend auf Alefbā-ye 2om, 2. persisches Alphabet, einem Transkriptionsstandard für die persische Sprache, siehe de.alefbaye2om.org. Version 1.0.2
[ Glossary Builder: Hamid Farroukh,
No. of Definitions: 14,475 ]
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