Displaying results 1 - 30 of 30.
JM Latin-English Dictionary
The dictionary is based on the FREE Latin-English wordlist compiled by William A Whitake. More latin words and many latin sayings have been added.
[ Glossary Builder: John Madsen,
No. of Definitions: 42,182 ]
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Latin - English Inflected
This Latin-English dictionary contains over 30,000 entries, each of which includes a reference to every possible inflected form. As a result, this dictionary is capable of correctly identifying several hundred thousand Latin words.
[ Glossary Builder: Christian Casey,
No. of Definitions: 37,777 ]
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woordenboek latijn
[ Glossary Builder: hoekman,
No. of Definitions: 27,196 ]
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Glossary of Latin-Genus-Names
This glossary translates the Latin genus into the German genus.
[ Glossary Builder: Mike Krüger,
No. of Definitions: 24,800 ]
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Animal names in Latin and English
Animal names in Latin and English
[ Glossary Builder: Luc Ockers,
No. of Definitions: 14,578 ]
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Small glossary of world birds (Latin-English)
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel Portillo,
No. of Definitions: 10,991 ]
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English−latin Dictionary
Find a english word meaning in latin مرادفات لاتينية للكلمات الإنكليزية
[ Glossary Builder: Eng. Mohammed A. Bader,
No. of Definitions: 8,366 ]
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Latin-English Dictionary
Find a latin word or description meaning in english مرادفات إنكليزية للكلمات والإصطلاحات اللاتينية
[ Glossary Builder: Eng. Mohammed A. Bader,
No. of Definitions: 8,366 ]
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English-Latin Online Dictionary
English Latin Dictionary
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Meijden,
No. of Definitions: 8,270 ]
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LATIN TO ENGLISH DICTIONARY The word list edited by Lynn H. Nelson (lhnelson@raven.cc.ukans.edu /University of Kansas ) and published in www.dictionary.com
[ Glossary Builder: Necmettin TAN,
No. of Definitions: 6,591 ]
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Latin-English Online Dictionary
Latin English Dictionary
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Meijden,
No. of Definitions: 4,452 ]
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4200 Geslachtsnamen Latijn ->Nederlands
4200 Latijnse geslachten met Nederlandse gebruiksnamen (commonname) en familienaam (Latijn). De lijst gaat verder dan 1 enkel geslachtsnamen alleen. Neem het geslacht Acer: veldesdoorn, spaanse aak, vederesdoorn, Japanse esdoorn enzoverder. Deze lijst is gebaseerd op de TK-Plantengids, http://www.tkplantengids.com. De nomenclatuur is gebaseerd op de Naamlijsten (H.J. van Laar), Proefstation Boskoop en wordt om de 5 jaar bijgewerkt.
[ Glossary Builder: Rudi Van Overloop,
No. of Definitions: 4,199 ]
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Vogelnamen Nederlands Latijn
Tweetalige woordenlijst met Nederlandse en wetenschappelijke vogelnamen
[ Glossary Builder: Cyril Aussems,
No. of Definitions: 4,020 ]
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dutch mushroom names
gives the common dutch name for latin names of mushrooms
[ Glossary Builder: Emile Vandecasteele,
No. of Definitions: 3,142 ]
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Aves del mundo
Aves del mundo Latín-Español
[ Glossary Builder: M. Portillo,
No. of Definitions: 2,822 ]
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Vokabeln Klasse 9-13 + viele weitere
[ Glossary Builder: Steffen Kuntoff,
No. of Definitions: 2,235 ]
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Vogelnamen Latijn > Nederlands
Woordenlijst van wetenschappelijke vogelnamen en de Nederlandse benaming
[ Glossary Builder: Cyril Aussems,
No. of Definitions: 2,013 ]
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Anatomi Terimleri Sözlüğü
Latin ve Yunan kökenli Anatomi terimlerini Türkçe'ye çeviren bu sözlük henüz geliştirilme aşamasında olduğu için (A-G) harflerini içeriyor (~850 kelime). Bundan sonra daha sık güncellemeye çalışacağım. Düzeltme ve önerilerinizi lütfen e-mail ile bildiriniz.
[ Glossary Builder: Suat Erbaş,
No. of Definitions: 834 ]
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slovak names of mushrooms
give slovak name for latin names of mushrooms
[ Glossary Builder: Emile Vandecasteele,
No. of Definitions: 717 ]
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Latein -> Deutsch
Könnte bei der Aufgabe hilfreich sein!
[ Glossary Builder: 2y-pro,
No. of Definitions: 709 ]
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Pequeno dicionário jurídico de expressões latinas
Um mini glossário com algumas expressões jurídicas traduzidas do latin para o português.
[ Glossary Builder: Felipe Bulos,
No. of Definitions: 593 ]
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Latin idioms
Most popular Latin idioms in Russian.
[ Glossary Builder: Arik Sosman,
No. of Definitions: 486 ]
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This glossary translates herbs from their latin genusnames into their common dutch and english names
[ Glossary Builder: Henk Penders,
No. of Definitions: 395 ]
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słownik łacińsko-polski
Iż by narodowie wżdy postronni znali ... na począten nazwy roślin, choroby i reszta z słownika łacińsko-angielskiego
[ Glossary Builder: Mariusz Pieróg,
No. of Definitions: 312 ]
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geman names of mushrooms
give the common german name from scientific name
[ Glossary Builder: Emile Vandecasteele,
No. of Definitions: 253 ]
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english names of mushrooms
gives the english common names of mushrooms from scientific latin name
[ Glossary Builder: Emile Vandecasteele,
No. of Definitions: 252 ]
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Italian names of mushrooms
give the italian common name from the scientific name of mushroom
[ Glossary Builder: Emile Vandecasteele,
No. of Definitions: 182 ]
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Ervas Aromaticas
Objetivo: Informações sôbre Ervas Aromáticas, Medicinais e Especiarias utilizadas internacionalmente na culinária e na medicina alternativa. Bibliografia: Resumo de diversos livros, folhetos e pesquisas na Internet.
[ Glossary Builder: Antônio Rodrigues,
No. of Definitions: 125 ]
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Improve Your Latin Terminology
Latin Legal Terminology
[ Glossary Builder: Paul Price,
No. of Definitions: 115 ]
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Medicinal Plants گياهان دارويي
This Glossary contains medicinal plants with pictures and medicinal uses. for more information contact me : ARASHRAISI@GMAIL.COM Thanks.
[ Glossary Builder: Arash Raisi Jahromi,
No. of Definitions: 81 ]
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