Displaying results 1 - 10 of 10.
English to Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan
English to Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan is based on the Vulcan Language Institute's et al. Golic Vulcan.This particular fan-created language is made up of the spoken Vulcan of film and television and in part other fan-created Vulcan languages which themselves were modeled after the spoken Vulcan of film and television to create a language with the largest lexicon of any Vulcan language to date.
[ Glossary Builder: Vorak,
No. of Definitions: 8,266 ]
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Drow (De'shineth)
Dictionary and glossary of the Drow language. Should be good help for quickly looking up words when giving roleplaying texts Drow flair. Most words are copyrighted by TSR, inc (those in capital letters). Remaining are creations by TOL (Neverwinter Nights); and the least are self created. In the glossary are some links to Drow specific pages, keyword is Drowlinks.
[ Glossary Builder: Lorenz,
No. of Definitions: 3,603 ]
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Offizielles Deutsch-Klingonisch-Wörterbuch. E-Mail: andrew1985@gmx.de ICQ#: 115451509 Schreibt mir, wenn ihr einen Fehler entdeckt habt, Wortvorschläge anmelden wollt oder Fragen zur Klingonischen (oder Deutschen) Sprache habt.
[ Glossary Builder: André Müller,
No. of Definitions: 3,056 ]
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Klingon - English
The Klingon language was invented by Marc Okrand, for use in some of the Star Trek movies. He invented not just a few words to make the Klingons sound alien, but a complete language, with its own vocabulary, grammar, and usage.
[ Glossary Builder: Calaereb,
No. of Definitions: 2,995 ]
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Middle-earth v2.2b
A little ;) glossary from/for J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth books, compiled by MueRTe. || Sources: "The Silmarillion" (Index of Names), "Unfinished Tales" & the "Encyclopedia of Arda" (http://www.glyphweb.com/arda) || e-mail your corrections, commentaries & suggestions [muerte at data54 dot com]
[ Glossary Builder: MueRTe,
No. of Definitions: 2,941 ]
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English - Klingon
The Klingon language was invented by Marc Okrand, for use in some of the Star Trek movies. He invented not just a few words to make the Klingons sound alien, but a complete language, with its own vocabulary, grammar, and usage.
[ Glossary Builder: Calaereb,
No. of Definitions: 2,882 ]
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Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan to English
Federation-Standard Golic Vulcan to English is based on the Vulcan Language Institute's et al. Golic Vulcan.This particular fan-created language is made up of the spoken Vulcan of film and television and in part other fan-created Vulcan languages which themselves were modeled after the spoken Vulcan of film and television to create a language with the largest lexicon of any Vulcan language to date.
[ Glossary Builder: Vorak,
No. of Definitions: 2,354 ]
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Basirend auf der Elbensprache Sindarin von Grossmeister J.R.R Tolkien.
[ Glossary Builder: Noxon Luanes,
No. of Definitions: 1,870 ]
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My glossary
Divinian - the Divine Language of Leeloo, as interpreted by T. Leah Fehr-Thompson
[ Glossary Builder: T. Leah Fehr-Thmopson,
No. of Definitions: 1,246 ]
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Dicionário Quenya-Português (Brasil) v.1.0
Dicionário de Alto-élfico, língua criada por J. R. R. Tolkien, autor de O Senhor dos Anéis.
[ Glossary Builder: Rafael e Adriano Farinaccio,
No. of Definitions: 480 ]
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