French Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 104.

Wikipédia en français - L'encyclopédie libre

Wikipédia® est une encyclopédie libre, gratuite, universelle et multilingue, écrite bénévolement par des volontaires et basée sur un site Web utilisant la technologie wiki. Wikipédia® est financée et gérée par la Fondation Wikimedia. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Software Ltd., No. of Definitions: 1,726,670 ]
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Babylon English-French

This comprehensive English-French dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd., No. of Definitions: 162,401 ]
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French-Chinese GBK

GBK Version More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mutant, No. of Definitions: 149,386 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: Mutant, No. of Definitions: 149,386 ]
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Babylon French-English

This comprehensive French-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd., No. of Definitions: 91,453 ]
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ADO's Französisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch More...
[ Glossary Builder: ADO, No. of Definitions: 70,144 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: Hristo Botev, No. of Definitions: 53,892 ]
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Codes postaux français - French postal codes

Répertoire des codes postaux, villes et départements français. Vous pouvez obtenir les sources sur mon site. Index of French postal codes, towns and departments. Your can get the sources on my web site. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Sébastien PIERRE, No. of Definitions: 42,550 ]
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Test Flight and Aircraft Airworthiness

Terms used in Aviation, Flight Test and in Aircraft Airworthiness. Translation (English to French and French to English) of aeronautical terms complemented sometimes by technical information in English. Termes utilisés dans l'aviation, les essais en vol et la navigabilité des aéronefs. Traduction (Anglais/Français et Français/Anglais) de termes utlilisés dans le monde aéronautique. More...
[ Glossary Builder: LANTERI Patrick, No. of Definitions: 41,400 ]
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The best Glossary by Kelkouli Rédha

A personal work of an Algerian engineer (Kelkouli Rédha) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Kelkouli_Rédha, No. of Definitions: 41,076 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: Peyo Yavorov, No. of Definitions: 40,740 ]
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Free Vietnamese-French Dictionary

This dictionary is a part of Open Vietnamese Dictionaries Project. You can see more detail at More...
[ Glossary Builder: OVDP (, No. of Definitions: 38,353 ]
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French-English Online Dictionary

French English Dictionary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Mejiden, No. of Definitions: 35,247 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's Francais - Turc Dictionnaire

This dictionary was developed by Clint in Beşiktaş,Istanbul. if u wonder the meaning of "mustafa" search it from this dictionary :) hope to c u in world wonder Istanbul. greetings... Mustafa YILDIZ Electrical and Electronics Engineer (MSc IT) icq no: 106158838 mail: More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ, No. of Definitions: 34,740 ]
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Mustafa YILDIZ's Turc - Francais Dictionnaire

This dictionary was developed by Clint in Beþiktaþ,Istanbul. if u wonder the meaning of "mustafa" search it from this dictionary :) hope to c u in world wonder Istanbul. greetings... Mustafa YILDIZ Electrical and Electronics Engineer (MSc IT) icq no: 106158838 mail: More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mustafa YILDIZ, No. of Definitions: 34,366 ]
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French Morphology and Phonetics

This glossary contains the words from the books "Le Petit Prince" and "Bonjour Tristesse". Audio-text synchronized version of these books can be found at More...
[ Glossary Builder: K. Dorfman, No. of Definitions: 27,026 ]
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Petit dictionnaire provençal-français

Dictionary Old Occitan > French More...
[ Glossary Builder: Emil Levy, No. of Definitions: 23,058 ]
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Parole ed espressioni francofone tradotte in italiano More...
[ Glossary Builder: Gobbo Giulio, No. of Definitions: 21,870 ]
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English-French Online Dictionary

English French Dictionary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Mejiden, No. of Definitions: 20,070 ]
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Flemish - French Glossary

Flemish terms as used in Belgium More...
[ Glossary Builder: Vroye Jean-Christophe, No. of Definitions: 16,372 ]
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MB_Dictionary French_to_Persian

This comprehensive MB_Dictionary French_to_Persian contains words, includes terms from a vast varity of subjects,such as ,Business,Computers,etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Mehrju, No. of Definitions: 16,209 ]
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French-Arabic dictionary

قاموس فرنسي - عربي More...
[ Glossary Builder: Eng. Mohammed Bader, No. of Definitions: 14,127 ]
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Arabic - French dictionary

قاموس عربي - فرنسي More...
[ Glossary Builder: Eng. Mohammed Bader, No. of Definitions: 14,127 ]
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Tapsis French Greek 3

French to Greek dictionary, enriched in verbs and alternative forms. C'est un dictionnaire francais - grec. L'accent manque parfois. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nikos Tapsis, No. of Definitions: 12,860 ]
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Esperanto Franca - Espéranto Français (ikse, latin3, fundamente) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Esperanto-Panorama, No. of Definitions: 12,075 ]
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French (and/or English) to Pârsi (Persian) epistemological Dict. (Latin chars)

A tentative to build a "scientific" trilingual French-English-Pârsi (Persian or "Farsi" with latin characters) Dictionary, with many quotations in these three languages. It is an ongoing project that will grow over time. For additional information, and possibly further clarification (in particular : conventions used for Persian transcription, the rationale), we refer you to the site N.B. After few years of development, this work has reached a more stable state. Therefore you may expect less frequent updates, 3 or 4 per year. More...
[ Glossary Builder: XAYYÂMI, No. of Definitions: 10,900 ]
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Dictionnaire Néerlandais-Français en évolution constante, dès que lui, comme moi, sommes noyés dans l'incompréhension. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bernard D. Desmedt, No. of Definitions: 10,151 ]
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Insurance EN-FR

English into French Glossary - Insurance terminology Glossaire anglais-français - terminologie des assurances More...
[ Glossary Builder: None, No. of Definitions: 9,591 ]
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This glossary contains more than 8700 french Recipes (Recettes de cuisine française) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Prof. A. Belaidi ENSET-Oran Algeria, No. of Definitions: 8,749 ]
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Méhrpooya Assistant de Conjuguer (Version Finale)

Voici la version finale d'un petit glossiare, nous aidant de conjuguer les verbes français. Jouissez d'Assistant de Conjuguer : gratuit, hors ligne et facile, contenant vers 8500 verbes. ------------------------------------------------------------------ A mon amour, Aida. créé par Saïd Méhrpooya [ Iran ] ------------------------------------- Tous droites de reproduction et d'adaptation réservés pour tous pays. ---------------- Vente interdite! Copyright © Saïd Méhrpooya More...
[ Glossary Builder: Saïd Méhrpooya, No. of Definitions: 8,716 ]
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