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This is the English language
Wikipedia®. Wikipedia is a multilingual, Web-based, free-content encyclopedia. It is written collaboratively by volunteers with wiki software, meaning articles can be added or changed by nearly anyone.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Software Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 5,073,303 ]
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THE Eng-Cro Dictionary, You won't need any other dictionary.
[ Glossary Builder: Ivica Delic,
No. of Definitions: 284,259 ]
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THE Cro-Eng Dictionary, You won't need any other dictionary.
[ Glossary Builder: Ivica Delic,
No. of Definitions: 284,257 ]
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Advanced farsi glossary with expression's details and similar word. "Using in farsi or arabic windows" emial:h_r_110@yahoo.com;homan_peik@yahoo.com ; web:www.geocities.com\h_r_110
[ Glossary Builder: Hojjat Rabiee,
No. of Definitions: 249,642 ]
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Dizionario inglese-italiano - 10-04-2006
[ Glossary Builder: Giorgio Musilli,
No. of Definitions: 242,048 ]
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این ویرایش شامل: معانی لغات انگلیسی به صورت همزمان- افزایش دامنه لغات- --افزودن افعال دوبخشی با برداشتن پیشوند -حذف لغات تکراری
[ Glossary Builder: Reza Moshksar,
No. of Definitions: 219,912 ]
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This comprehensive Japanese-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 212,882 ]
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در اين ويرايش سعى شده است تا امکان جستجو به کمک پيوندها به سادگى و زيبايى ارايه شود. سعى شده است که ايرادهاى نمايش کلمات رفع شود و با استفاده از رنگ هاى مناسب زيبايى نمايش لغات و معنى آنها بيشتر شود. تقديم به دوستداران زبان فارسى. مرتضى حاجى محمودزاده زمستان 1388 |
[ Glossary Builder: Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh,
No. of Definitions: 183,868 ]
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Complete and wide English to English dictionary contains almost 257,000 words and definitions with similar and details word. ::emial:h_r_110@yahoo.com ; homan_peik@yahoo.com; ::web:www.geocities.com\h_r_110
[ Glossary Builder: Hojjat Rabiee,
No. of Definitions: 182,086 ]
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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) was the foremost English language dictionary of its time. It had been revised and unabridged from its predecessors since the first publication of
the Compendious Dictionary of the English Language in 1806 by Noah Webster (1758-1843), American lexicographer, spelling reformer and editor.
In 1988, Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) was released to the public domain and now users and language enthusiasts all over the world have free access to this historic reference work. It features a diverse array of entries – 170.000 in all – containing foreign words & phrases, biographical and geographical names, signs & symbols in various fields of endeavor, punctuation, capitals & italics, documenting sources, forms of address, and much more.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) gives us etymological insight of how words change over time. It may be used as a language research tool, just for fun, as a history sleuth, or even for language arts or many other English projects.
[ Glossary Builder: G & C. Merriam Co., 1913, edited by Noah Porter,
No. of Definitions: 170,865 ]
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This comprehensive English-Turkish dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 168,753 ]
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This comprehensive English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon,
No. of Definitions: 167,457 ]
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This comprehensive German-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the new and the classic forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 165,039 ]
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This comprehensive English-Arabic dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 163,850 ]
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This comprehensive English-Hebrew dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 163,441 ]
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This comprehensive English-French dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 162,401 ]
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This comprehensive English-Spanish dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 161,876 ]
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This comprehensive English-Italian dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 160,261 ]
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This comprehensive English-German dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 157,153 ]
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This comprehensive English-Japanese dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 155,670 ]
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This comprehensive English-Portuguese dictionary,
adapted to the Portuguese language new Orthography Reform, contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 144,859 ]
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144000 & more Medical Terms German English Reference (Der Große Reuter Springer Universalwörterbuch Medizin, Pharmakologie und Zahnmedizin)
[ Glossary Builder: Ahmed Sobhy,
No. of Definitions: 144,649 ]
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This comprehensive English-Dutch dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 137,789 ]
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This comprehensive English-Danish dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling.
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 136,345 ]
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UMD@Click is English-Arabic medical dictionary based on UMD(unified medical dictionary) build by Dr.Marouf Alhalabi ,Damascus medicine school . For any help you can contact me at alhalabimarouf@yahoo.com.
[ Glossary Builder: Dr.Marouf Alhalabi,
No. of Definitions: 133,512 ]
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Name of product: UW-Hindi Essential (Function) Dictionary Description: It is a dictionary of closed category of words or function words, made for the purpose of UNL-based Machine Translation and Multilingual Meaning based Search Engine. Number of entries: 556 entries till <03/04/2009> Format of dictionary: [Head Word]{} “Universal Concept (icl>restriction)” (Attributes)
;Hindi Example Sentence Example: [वह]{} “he(icl>male person)” (PRON,PERSPRON,NOMNTV,ANIMT,MALE,3SG,SUB,HE,vaha); वह आ रहा है| Further explanation: Essential Dictionaries being made in Hindi, Marathi and English are complementary to the Main or the Content Word Dictionary. An Essential Dictionary is a dictionary of those words that occur frequently in the text of a particular language. This is also called the dictionary of closed category words (a word class to which no new items can normally be added, and that usually contains a relatively small number of items). This dictionary contains broadly two types of words: function words and commonly used symbols, punctuations, word endings, auxiliaries and some common adverbs. Function words contain different types of pronouns (personal, genitive, reflexive, indefinite, reciprocal, interrogative, etc.), conjunctions, interjections, postpositions, case markers, etc. The personal pronouns have been categorized into nominative case, accusative case, dative and genitive case. We are planning to add cardinals and ordinals also into this dictionary. Acknowledgment: प्रसाद, वासुदेवनन्दन (२०००). आधुनिक हिन्दी व्याकरण और रचना. पटना : भारती भवन. बाहरी, हरदेव(१९९७). व्यावहारिक हिन्दी व्याकरण तथा रचना. इलाहाबाद : लोकभारती प्रकाशन. Created by: Gajanan Krishna Rane, Mrs. Jaya Saraswati, Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya Date: 03rd April, 2009
[ Glossary Builder: Gajanan Krishna Rane, Mrs. Jaya Saraswati, Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya,
No. of Definitions: 128,033 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: Dr. Michael S. Blekhman,
No. of Definitions: 123,653 ]
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English translation to Indonesian with source from one word and from several word.
This dictionary as souvenir for my first daughter FILZA RAHMA MUFLIHAH which born on 29 January 2003 .
Thank you for my friend Dadang Budiana which have provided the source of dictionary.
[ Glossary Builder: Mas Ndon,
No. of Definitions: 115,816 ]
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In this version of Persian-English dictionary:
1- You can use the LINKED LIST. It's nice!
2- farsi words have been revised
3- parenthesis are almost free of wrong
Strongly recommended to use Babylon pro v.6
Morteza Hajimahmoodzadeh
[ Glossary Builder: Morteza Mahmoudzadeh,
No. of Definitions: 113,328 ]
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