Dutch Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 45.

De Nederlandstalige Wikipedia - De vrije encyclopedie

Wikipedia is een project van de Wikimedia Foundation, een in Florida, gevestigde organisatie zonder winstoogmerk. Onder de paraplu van de Wikimedia Foundation bevinden zich diverse projecten waarvan Wikipedia het oudste, het bekendste en meest succesvolle project is.t doel van Wikipedia is om in elke taal een complete, rechtenvrije encyclopedie op het web te creëren. De artikelen in deze encyclopedie worden geacht een neutraal gezichtspunt in te nemen. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd., No. of Definitions: 2,149,920 ]
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Babylon English-Dutch

This comprehensive English-Dutch dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc., and features both the American and British forms of spelling. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd., No. of Definitions: 137,789 ]
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ADO's Deutsch-Niederländisch

Deutsch-Niederländisches Wörterbuch mit woechentlicher Aktualisierung More...
[ Glossary Builder: ADO, No. of Definitions: 83,264 ]
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Babylon Dutch-English

This comprehensive Dutch-English dictionary contains words, phrases, abbreviations & acronyms. It includes terms from a vast variety of subjects, such as Medicine, Electronics, Zoology, Business, Computers, Religion, etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Babylon Ltd., No. of Definitions: 66,212 ]
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Dictionario Interlingua - Nederlandese

Le "Dictionario Interlingua-Nederlandese" (DIN) contine le quasi-totalitate del entratas del "Interlingua-English Dictionary" (IED) que le I.A.L.A. ha publicate in le anno 1950. Applicante le methodos de selection exponite in le introduction del IED, io ha addite circa 23.500 entratas al stock del IED. Ben que le DIN es destinate al interlinguistas nederlandophone, anque altere interlinguistas, specialmente le lexicographos inter illes, pote profitar del material presentate. Le collection de milles de combinationes de parolas, de expressiones e locationes, pote esser utile al preparation de simile dictionarios pro simile altere linguas. Piet Cleij More...
[ Glossary Builder: Piet Cleij, No. of Definitions: 49,602 ]
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Technisch E-NL Woordenboek

This dictionary consists of a collection of terms used in Computer Aided Technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAE, as well as Logistics and Information Technology in general. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Jakob Vlietstra, No. of Definitions: 37,175 ]
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Technisch NL-E Woordenboek

This dictionary consists of a collection of terms used in Computer Aided Technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAE, as well as Logistics and Information Technology in general. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Jakob Vlietstra, No. of Definitions: 36,543 ]
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Bahasa Indonesia-Nederlands Adaptasi

Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands Kamus ini diusahakan oleh Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands info@pieterkuiper.com ************ http://www.pieterkuiper.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper, No. of Definitions: 28,650 ]
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Indonesisch-Nederlands woordenboek. Kamus bahasa Indonesia-bahasa Belanda More...
[ Glossary Builder: Paul E. de Haan, No. of Definitions: 24,819 ]
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Dutch_English 22000

A 22,000+ word Dutch>/English dictionary for general use More...
[ Glossary Builder: Terence Kennedy, No. of Definitions: 22,348 ]
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Nederlands-Bahasa Indonesia Adaptasi

Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands info@pieterkuiper.com ************ http://www.pieterkuiper.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper, No. of Definitions: 21,121 ]
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Nederlands-Indonesisch woordenboek. Kamus bahasa Belanda-behasa Indonesia More...
[ Glossary Builder: Paul E. de Haan, No. of Definitions: 20,545 ]
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Dutch-English Online Dictionay

Dutch English Dictionary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Meijden, No. of Definitions: 12,955 ]
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Woordenboek Dutch - Portugees

Import of Ergane dictionary (Dutch - Portugues). More entries and corrections will follow... More...
[ Glossary Builder: John Hoeve, No. of Definitions: 12,017 ]
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Dictionary Portuguese - Dutch

Import of Ergane dictionary. More entries and corrections will follow... More...
[ Glossary Builder: John Hoeve, No. of Definitions: 12,017 ]
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Dictionnaire Néerlandais-Français en évolution constante, dès que lui, comme moi, sommes noyés dans l'incompréhension. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bernard D. Desmedt, No. of Definitions: 10,151 ]
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Woordenlijst Duits-Nederlands en Nederlands-Duits voor de vakrichtingen: Handel, Transport en Plantenteelt. Ook grammaticahulp dmv vertalingen van werkwoordsvormen e.d. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Frank Wessels, No. of Definitions: 10,049 ]
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English-Dutch Online Dictionary

English Dutch Dictionary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Tom van der Meijden, No. of Definitions: 9,915 ]
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Nederlands - Kroatisch woordenboek

Standaard Nederlands - Kroatisch woordenboek Holandski - Hrvatsko recnik More...
[ Glossary Builder: Berry van den Bogaard / Mandalena Markotic, No. of Definitions: 9,129 ]
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Dutch - Papiamento

[ Glossary Builder: W.Th. de Haan, No. of Definitions: 8,512 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: ADO, No. of Definitions: 7,498 ]
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Schiffahrtsausdrücke Deutsch - Holländisch

Eine Liste von algemeine und spezifische nautischer Ausdrücke (Deutsch -> Holländisch) Een lijst van algemene an specifieke nautische uitdrukkingen (Duits -> Nederlands) More...
[ Glossary Builder: E de Winkel, No. of Definitions: 6,922 ]
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Papiamento - Dutch

[ Glossary Builder: W.Th. de Haan, No. of Definitions: 4,868 ]
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Nederlands - Surinaams Trafasi

Woordenboek Nederlands - Surinaams ( Bakratongo - Sranantongo ) Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door: Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands info@pieterkuiper.com ************ http://www.pieterkuiper.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper, No. of Definitions: 4,645 ]
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Customs and Excise Glossary

A glossary of common terms and acronyms with their translation More...
[ Glossary Builder: Alain Buyze, No. of Definitions: 4,357 ]
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Surinaams-Nederlands Trafasi

Woordenboek Surinaams - Nederlands ( Sranantongo - Bakratongo ) Dit woordenboek is verzorgd en wordt onderhouden door: Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands info@pieterkuiper.com ******** http://www.pieterkuiper.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper, No. of Definitions: 4,324 ]
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4200 Geslachtsnamen Latijn ->Nederlands

4200 Latijnse geslachten met Nederlandse gebruiksnamen (commonname) en familienaam (Latijn). De lijst gaat verder dan 1 enkel geslachtsnamen alleen. Neem het geslacht Acer: veldesdoorn, spaanse aak, vederesdoorn, Japanse esdoorn enzoverder. Deze lijst is gebaseerd op de TK-Plantengids, http://www.tkplantengids.com. De nomenclatuur is gebaseerd op de Naamlijsten (H.J. van Laar), Proefstation Boskoop en wordt om de 5 jaar bijgewerkt. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rudi Van Overloop, No. of Definitions: 4,199 ]
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Kanker woorden en begrippenlijst

De Stichting Diagnose kanker heeft veel werk verricht om deze On-line woordenlijst samen te stellen. heb je aanvullingen of verbeteringen Stuur die dan naar: babylon@diagnose-kanker.nl More...
[ Glossary Builder: Stichting Diagnose kanker, No. of Definitions: 4,094 ]
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Vogelnamen Nederlands Latijn

Tweetalige woordenlijst met Nederlandse en wetenschappelijke vogelnamen More...
[ Glossary Builder: Cyril Aussems, No. of Definitions: 4,020 ]
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Surinaams (Sranantongo) - Bahasa Indonesia

Kamus Surinaams ( Sranantongo - Bakratongo ) - Bahasa Indonesia Dit woordenboek wordt verzorgd door Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands Kamus ini diusahakan oleh Pieter Kuiper, Stedum, The Netherlands info@pieterkuiper.com ******* http://www.pieterkuiper.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Pieter Kuiper, No. of Definitions: 3,578 ]
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