Dentistry Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 7 of 7.

Unified Dentistry Dictionary

All words are from Dentistry Dictionary of World Health Organization Syria, Latakia, 2004 More...
[ Glossary Builder:, No. of Definitions: 12,913 ]
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Dental Terminology More...
[ Glossary Builder: Dt.TIPYARDIM B., No. of Definitions: 2,001 ]
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Piccolo glossario di termini specifici di odontoiatria, pregevole per la ricchezza e la competenza delle definizioni e di grande utilità per ogni tipo di utenza familiare o meno con questo settore della medicina. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Prof. Dr Andrea Stramezzi, No. of Definitions: 507 ]
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Onyx Ceph orthodontic terms

Onyx Ceph glossary of orthodontic terms - German to English More...
[ Glossary Builder: Image Instruments, No. of Definitions: 505 ]
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Onyx Ceph kieferorthopädische Begriffe

Onyx Ceph Glossary kieferorthopädischer Begriffe - English to German More...
[ Glossary Builder: Image Instruments, No. of Definitions: 475 ]
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dentistry، دندانپزشکی

It is free Dental Dictionary for persian with pictures & links.Visit my website for more information: Please visit this page for download latest version: More...
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad Mahdi Habibi, No. of Definitions: 277 ]
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Orthodontic terminology More...
[ Glossary Builder: Agustín Jiménez Portillo, No. of Definitions: 115 ]
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