Displaying results 1 - 30 of 39.
Reuter Medizin (by Peter Reuter)
144000 & more Medical Terms German English Reference (Der Große Reuter Springer Universalwörterbuch Medizin, Pharmakologie und Zahnmedizin)
[ Glossary Builder: Ahmed Sobhy,
No. of Definitions: 144,649 ]
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UMD@Click is English-Arabic medical dictionary based on UMD(unified medical dictionary) build by Dr.Marouf Alhalabi ,Damascus medicine school . For any help you can contact me at
[ Glossary Builder: Dr.Marouf Alhalabi,
No. of Definitions: 133,512 ]
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Medicine English-Arabic
This Medical Dictionary is based on the Unified Medical Dictionary (arabic version). Created by: AYMAN A. BOSHNAQ _______
[ Glossary Builder: Ayman A. Boshnaq,
No. of Definitions: 65,645 ]
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ICD 10 Thesaurus
Gibt die ICD-10 Schlüsselnummer aus, wenn eine Diagnose angegeben ist.
[ Glossary Builder: Dirk Knück,
No. of Definitions: 30,646 ]
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Baydaş_Medikal Terimler 2004
A Dictionary of Medical Terminology used in Türkiye. Contains both Latin and English terms.
[ Glossary Builder: Dr.Cüneyt Bora Baydas,
No. of Definitions: 26,776 ]
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Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos. Contiene más de 22.500 términos médicos, 6.000 imágenes y enlaces a unas 2000 monografías. Los términos anatómicos llevan el número de la Clasificación Anatómica Internacional (2001) y las enfermedades y síndromes el número de código de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades, ICD-10 (CIE-10). Clasificación internacional de los procedimientos quirúrgicos. [PQ]. Medciclopedia está en construcción y será actualizada mensualmente. v.10
[ Glossary Builder: Alvaro Galiano,
No. of Definitions: 22,659 ]
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No. of Definitions: 21,852 ]
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Biyoloji Terimleri Sözlüğü
Bu sözlük ingilizce-Türkçe biyoloji terimlerini içermektedir
[ Glossary Builder: Yusuf Uzun,
No. of Definitions: 7,067 ]
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Medical Dictionary English Arabic Kurdish prepared by Karina
"فهرههنگي پزيشكي ئينگليزي- عهرهبي- كوردي ئاماده كردني: كارينا ورد بونه وهو توژاندن: چراخان محمد سليماني 2010-2011 ناوي كتيب: فهرههنگي پزيشكي بابهت: فهرههنگ ئامادهكردني: كارينا تايپ وديزاين: شهيدا ئيبراهيم چاپ: چاپي دووهم تيراژ:[ 1000] دانه له بهريوبهرايهتي گشتي كتيبخانه گشتييه كان ژمارهي[1710 ]ي سالي[2010]ي پيدراوه . پ?شهكي : گومان لهوهدانيه ههر نهتهوهيهك بيهو?ت ئاگاداري سهرجهم ئهو گ??انكاريانهب?ت كه لهدنياي ئهمر?دا رودهدات دهبيت ههولي ئهوه بدات كهئهو بابهتانه بهزماني خ?ي بلاو بكاتهوه ب?ئهوهي ر?لهكاني نهتهوه به زماني خ?يان بيخوئننهوهو بهباشي تيي بكهنو لهكهل ئهو رهوتهو بيشكهوتووهي جيهاندا بر?نو ليي دانهبرين ئيمه كورد كه هيشتا له دونياي زانستو مهعريفهدا ههنكاويكي ديارمان نهناوهو ز?ر لهدواين و بزوتنهوهي وهركيرانمان لهو لايهنهوه ز?ر كزهلهههمو نهتهوهيهك زياتربيويستمان بهوه ههيه كه وشهي براوبرمان ب? ههمو ئهو زاراوانه ههبيت كهئهمر? له زمانه زيندووهكاني جيهاندا بهكاردين وهههروهها ز?ربهي ز?ري نهوهكاني ئهمر?مان لهزماني كوردي زياتر نازانن وبه هيج زمانيكي ديكه ناتوانن سهرجاوهكاني زانست و زانياري بهكاربهينن ههر بهو كيانهوه ئهكي ئاماده كردني فهرههنكي بزيشكيم خسته ئهست?ي خ?م ئاشكرايه بهشي بزيشكي دنيايهكي فراوانهو ههمو لايهنهكاني بزيشكي دهكريتهوه دلس?زتان كارينا 2/9/2010 پشكهشه به خاتوو شهيداي بهريز كه ئهرك و زهحمه تيكي ز?ري كيشا لهم فهر ههنگهدا. هيوادارم نمونهيان ز?ربيت. "
[ Glossary Builder: Rawaz Jalal Emin ??و?ز ج?لال ئ?مين,
No. of Definitions: 6,378 ]
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EN-ES Gonzalo
Mis términos, esencialmente médicos y legales
[ Glossary Builder: M. Gonzalo Claros,
No. of Definitions: 5,100 ]
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Dictionary of Medicine (Shahram)
Dictionary of Medicine. Includes over 12,500 entries. Clear definitions in simple English. Example sentences show usage. Covers British and American English terms on topics such as surgery, general practice, hospitals, clinics and nursing. Quotations from journals and magazines. Line drawings of anatomical features. Tables of vitamins and calorie counts. Homepage: , Email: Note that this is the testing version of the Dictionary , Since I have got lots of other works to do as well, the final version this Dictionary may come out a little bit later. For more information contact me through my Email.
[ Glossary Builder: Shahram Shahsavari,
No. of Definitions: 4,510 ]
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Kanker woorden en begrippenlijst
De Stichting Diagnose kanker heeft veel werk verricht om deze On-line woordenlijst samen te stellen. heb je aanvullingen of verbeteringen Stuur die dan naar:
[ Glossary Builder: Stichting Diagnose kanker,
No. of Definitions: 4,094 ]
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Diccionari d'anatomia
Diccionari Babylon anglès-català d'Anatomia / English-Catalan diccionary of Anatomy
[ Glossary Builder: Jaume Casas,
No. of Definitions: 4,022 ]
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Pharmaceutical terms
Names of diseases,Medical Glosaries, and More......A good pain-killer for you.
[ Glossary Builder: Allen,
No. of Definitions: 2,038 ]
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Glosario Medico - de Migue! - vea tambien mi glosario de Guarani y terminos de informatica - Corrientes Argentina AB2kII - ej: Abulia, pénfigo,Carcinoma...
[ Glossary Builder: Miguel E M,
No. of Definitions: 2,037 ]
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Glosario Medico
Glosario medico muy completo
[ Glossary Builder: Hernán Lorenzo,
No. of Definitions: 1,270 ]
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Statistica epidemiologica
Epilex - A Multilingual Lexicon of Epidemilogical Terms Based on John Last's Dictionary of Epidemiology -1031 voci
[ Glossary Builder: Claudio Porcellana -,
No. of Definitions: 1,031 ]
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Autismus - Fachbegriffe klar und einfach übersetzt
Fachbegriffe betr. Autismus, Asperger Syndrom etc. deutsch - englisch; anlässlich der Übersetzung von (Spitals-) Befunden meines autistischen Sohnes Fabian stellte ich fest, dass viele der Begriffe bzw. spezielle Wortbedeutungen in den üblichen Glossarien nicht aufscheinen. Beim Aufbau "meines Glossars" legte ich den Schwerpunkt auf die Einfachheit und Klarheit der Übersetzung sowie auf die "spezielle" Wortverwendung/bedeutung im medizinischen/psychologischen Zusammenhang
[ Glossary Builder: Christian FELIX,
No. of Definitions: 900 ]
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Labtests Abbreviations KÖRFEZLAB
I love Melis and Dilber......
[ Glossary Builder: Dr. Emin AKGUL,
No. of Definitions: 818 ]
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autism - specialist terms (clear and easy translation)
specialist terms for autism, Asperger syndrome etc
[ Glossary Builder: Christian FELIX,
No. of Definitions: 513 ]
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Piccolo glossario di termini specifici di odontoiatria, pregevole per la ricchezza e la competenza delle definizioni e di grande utilità per ogni tipo di utenza familiare o meno con questo settore della medicina.
[ Glossary Builder: Prof. Dr Andrea Stramezzi,
No. of Definitions: 507 ]
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Sindirim Sistemi Bozuklukları Sozlugu
Bu sozluk Sindirim Sistemi Hastaliklari hakkinda bilgi vermek amaciyla duzenlenmistir.
[ Glossary Builder: Muharrem Ozturk,
No. of Definitions: 487 ]
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NIDDK Digestive Diseases Dictionary
This dictionary defines words that are often used when talking or writing about digestive diseases. It is designed for people who have digestive diseases and their families and friends. Some words have many meanings; only those meanings that relate to digestive diseases are included.
[ Glossary Builder: NIDDK - National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse,
No. of Definitions: 477 ]
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Diz Medico V 1.0
Dizionario etimologico medico Italiano Italiano ver. 1.0
[ Glossary Builder: Cannas Giulio,
No. of Definitions: 408 ]
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Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms
Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms. Useful for med-students, physicians and other health related professionals.
[ Glossary Builder: Marcos E. Velez,
No. of Definitions: 383 ]
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Derech Haim - MIOK Medical Dictionary
Medical dictionary of the Cupat Holim Clalit gives concise explanations of medical terms.
[ Glossary Builder: Zvi Lis,
No. of Definitions: 359 ]
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MIOK דרך חיים - מילון רפואי
מילון רפואי של קופת חולים כללית המקנה ידע כללי במושגים מעולם הרפואה
[ Glossary Builder: ד``ר צבי ליס, שירותי בריאות כללית,
No. of Definitions: 359 ]
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Transplant glossary
this specific glossary is focused on the technical terminology related in particular to bowel and liver grafting. Glossario tecnico con termini specifici relativi al mondo del trapianto, con particolare riferimento alla terminologia relativa al fegato e all'intestino.
[ Glossary Builder: Giacomo Falconi,
No. of Definitions: 348 ]
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Medicare Glossary
Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people 65 years of age or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease. This glossary explains terms in the Medicare program, but it is not a legal document. The official Medicare program provisions are found in the relevant laws, regulations, and rulings.
[ Glossary Builder:,
No. of Definitions: 326 ]
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