Displaying results 1 - 6 of 6.
Spanish medical glossary and of terms used in the 'Clasp32'. Visit http://www.qxsubspace.com or E-Mail fm@qxsubspace.com for more information. All information contained herein is only educational and informative.
[ Glossary Builder: Francisco Martínez,
No. of Definitions: 4,272 ]
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Hepatitis Central (TM) Liver Disease Medical Glossary
Medical terms for liver disease with an emphasis on Hepatitis.
[ Glossary Builder: Vikki Shaw,
No. of Definitions: 3,689 ]
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A Dictionary of Alternative-Medicine Methods
The most comprehensive work on individual alt-med methods that has ever been available to the public. With an emphasis on theories, it succinctly describes well over 1,300 health-related methods - ranging alphabetically from abhyanga to Zulu Sangoma bones - that are medically non-mainstream in the Western Hemisphere.
[ Glossary Builder: Jack Raso, M.S., R.D., Director of Publications, American Counci,
No. of Definitions: 1,432 ]
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Aromatherapy Glossary
This is a glossary that has common terms used in aromatherapy, including medical terminology and the binomial nomeclature of many Essential Oils.
[ Glossary Builder: Sharron Myers-Chevrier,
No. of Definitions: 250 ]
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Ervas Aromaticas
Objetivo: Informações sôbre Ervas Aromáticas, Medicinais e Especiarias utilizadas internacionalmente na culinária e na medicina alternativa. Bibliografia: Resumo de diversos livros, folhetos e pesquisas na Internet.
[ Glossary Builder: Antônio Rodrigues,
No. of Definitions: 125 ]
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Alternative Medicine Glossary
Comprehensive review of alternative medicine and alternative health issues. FREE glossary, and expert advise for healthy active living.
[ Glossary Builder: Jos-hua Medicine man,
No. of Definitions: 25 ]
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