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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 40.

TCP/IP Ports Assignments (Intrusive)

[Intrusive Version] This glossary gives the interpretation of TCP/IP port number, as assigned in It will interpret from the following formats: nnn/tcp, nnn/udp or nnn, where nnn is a port number. It will also recognize the port keyword (like: ftp, smtp, www-http etc...). Updated to April 18, 2003. Look also at the term "Port Numbers". This "Intrusive Version" also interperts from the number with no additions, overriding Babylon conversions module. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ehud Shavit (, No. of Definitions: 8,129 ]
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TCP/IP Ports Assignments

This glossary gives the interpretation of TCP/IP port number, as assigned in It will interpret from the following format: nnn/tcp or nnn/udp, where nnn is a port number (Mostly, you should point the coursor to the "tcp" or "udp" part of the term). It will also recognize the port keyword (like: ftp, smtp, www-http etc...). Updated to April 18, 2003. Look also at the term "Port Numbers" More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ehud Shavit (, No. of Definitions: 8,128 ]
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PHP Functions (4.3.2)

PHP Function (4.3.2) last update 13-06-2003. This is the full glossay's PHP with 2710 functions. More...
[ Glossary Builder: MaXMaN (, No. of Definitions: 2,710 ]
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PHP Functions -ES- (4.3.0)

PHP Function (4.3.0) last update 01-01-2003. This is the full glossay's PHP with 2365 functions. En español !!!! Solo las funciones más importantes se encuentran en español (en tambien) More...
[ Glossary Builder: MaXMaN (, No. of Definitions: 2,365 ]
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Jargon File

Reproduced from Jargon File version 4.2.0 ( Version 0.3 The version contains some minor changes and bug fixes (the original .gls file available by request - just drop a mail to me) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Kiril Serebnik, No. of Definitions: 2,261 ]
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Glossario di Internet e Informatica

Negli ultimi anni, Internet è cresciuta a ritmi velocissimi: questo glossario vi sarà utile per approfondire meglio questa nuova frontiera, e per avere un informazione più completa contiene anche numerosi termini di informatica. Dall'Italiano all'Inglese e viceversa. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Giacomo Poggi, No. of Definitions: 1,771 ]
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Fonctions PHP

Index des fonctions PHP. Syntaxe, description et lien vers la documentation officielle française ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Référence : Documentation officielle Française ( Traduction effectuée par Damien Seguy Auteurs de la doc PHP : Stig Sæther Bakken, Alexander Aulbach, Egon Schmid, Jim Winstead, Lars Torben, Wilson, Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski, Andrei Zmievski, Jouni Ahto More...
[ Glossary Builder: Aurélien TELLIER, No. of Definitions: 1,691 ]
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TCP/IP port numbers

This Glossary is a quik refrence for the TCP/IP port numbers. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Atef Sharia, No. of Definitions: 1,384 ]
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Internet and Chat Abbreviations

The glossary has been built by Ali Taghipour, student in University of Yazd & Chamran University of Ahwaz -Iran **** E-mail: **** Yahoo ID: atp1400 **** The abbreviations and their descriptions have been compiled by James Marshall More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ali Taghipour, No. of Definitions: 1,049 ]
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Internet Glossary

A Comprehensive Glossary of the Internet. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Kami, No. of Definitions: 1,010 ]
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Jensen's Technology Glossary

Glossary of a widerange of Technological Terms related to Computers, the Internet, Computer Graphics, etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Robert E. Jensen, No. of Definitions: 860 ]
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Country Data Codes

Country Data Codes according to Internet-, ISO 3166- and FIPS 10-4- standards More...
[ Glossary Builder: hh, No. of Definitions: 846 ]
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Kiswahili IT Glossary -- Kiswahili-English

Kiswahili IT Glossary -- Kiswahili-English | The Swahili IT Glossary was developed during the localization of OpenOffice. For more information about glossary development: The Swahili IT Glossary is licenced under Creative Commons ShareAlike license. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Richard Madete, No. of Definitions: 682 ]
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Multi Internet Domains

Internet Domains. (English, Français, Español, Italiano, Türkçe ....) More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ali Sarioglu, No. of Definitions: 665 ]
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A Glossary of Internet & PC Terminology

A simple to use Glossary explaining PC & Internet treminology in language that we can all understand. A dictionary of confusing terms used on the Internet & by people associated with Information Technology More...
[ Glossary Builder: steve Jenkins, No. of Definitions: 652 ]
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Kiswahili IT Glossary -- English-Kiswahili

Kiswahili IT Glossary -- English-Kiswahili | The Swahili IT Glossary was developed during the localization of OpenOffice. For more information about glossary development: The Swahili IT Glossary is licenced under Creative Commons ShareAlike license. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Richard Madete, No. of Definitions: 645 ]
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Acronyms Misc

Acronyms about software, hardware, security, electronic (but not only!). In a world full of acronyms, you have to know about as many acronym meanings as you can. More...
[ Glossary Builder: M. Farris, No. of Definitions: 529 ]
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Internetworking Terms

A glossary covering all internet and networking terms for all standards of users. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rowan Dollar, No. of Definitions: 464 ]
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Usenet abbreviations

Abkürzungen des Usesnets von AAMOF bis ZKN More...
[ Glossary Builder: Happe, No. of Definitions: 437 ]
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Informatika hiztegia

Informatika hiztegia, definizioak zein itzulpenak. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Josu, No. of Definitions: 427 ]
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Glossario di e-commerce, e di termini utili per chi naviga, dall'italiano/inglese, all'italiano. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Giampiero Censorii, No. of Definitions: 408 ]
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Bazrafkan - Chat Slang

All chat slang in babylon glossary. Created by Hossein Bazrafkan. Email: Bazrafkan68@Gmail.Com Location: Shiraz More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hossein Bazrafkan, No. of Definitions: 406 ]
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WebGuest Web Glossary

A comprehensive glossary of Web-related terms, Web jargon and hackers slang. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Frans Van der Sande, No. of Definitions: 361 ]
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Marc Ibold; Networking, Internetworking, PC-Englisch, Cisco Terms

Englisch - Deutsch Übersetzung und Erklärung englischer Fachbegriffe aus den Bereichen: Internetworking; Networking; PC-Englisch; Beachtung von Eigenheiten der CISCO-Press; Hinweise und Erklärungen bei "hidden meanings of technical terms" More...
[ Glossary Builder: Marc Ibold, No. of Definitions: 340 ]
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ICT Terminology

a glossary of ICT/ Internet terms in Bahasa Melayu More...
[ Glossary Builder: Kim Ng, No. of Definitions: 328 ]
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Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms

A comprehensive glossary of computer and Internet terms, with easy-to-understand definitions. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Per Christensson, No. of Definitions: 276 ]
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DAX Glossary of Key Connectivity Terms

This Glossary is intended to be a brief overview of some of the most-used and most often unknown or misunderstood terms relating to digital connectivity. It is not intended to be a complete glossary of computer, networking, and connectivity terminology. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Chuck Gehman, No. of Definitions: 271 ]
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Domein Excentie's

Een overzicht alle domein-exentie met bijbehorent land, je kan zoeken op excentie (bv .nl) of op land (bv Nederland) [NEDERLANDS]. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Patrick Wassenaar, No. of Definitions: 252 ]
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Multimedia Glossary

What is multimedia? This hyperlinked glossary will give you the answer; it contains more than 200 terms related to multimedia, internet, and graphics etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Lane Price Rose, No. of Definitions: 243 ]
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The Internet Dictionary

Commonly used Internet terms and definitions More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bill Earles, No. of Definitions: 227 ]
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