Displaying results 1 - 30 of 68.
ORACLE Data Base Messages
Mensajes ORA de la Base de Datos Oracle 7.34
[ Glossary Builder: RL,
No. of Definitions: 99,999 ]
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JDK 1.2.2 Glossary ( source javadoc JDK documentation)
[ Glossary Builder: Maribel Pérez García,
No. of Definitions: 22,091 ]
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Oracle8 Server Error Messages
Compiled from Oracle8 Error Messages - Release 8.0.4 (A58312-01) available at http://www.oracle.com. Contains the message groups: DBA, DRG, EPC, EPCW, EXP, LCC, LFI, MDSQL, MOD, NMP, NMS, NNC, NNF, NNL, NNO, NPL, O2F, O2I, O2I, O2U, ORA, OVS, PCC, PCF, PLS, RMAN, SQL*Loader, SQL, TNS, VAC, VAG, VAI, VAR, VAS, VAX, VIR, VMM, VMS, VMT, VOC, VOD, VOJ, XP. Provided for Oracle Professional - http://www.oracleprofessionalnewsletter.com. Build 3 (2001.07.18)
[ Glossary Builder: Pedro Bizarro,
No. of Definitions: 8,464 ]
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Computer Abbreviations v1.5
Computer Abbreviations and File Extensions
[ Glossary Builder: ilker akkaya,
No. of Definitions: 8,005 ]
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Oracle Error Messages - Description, Cause and Action
Oracle Error Messages - Description, Cause and Action. Version 8.1.6
[ Glossary Builder: Kilson Araujo - Oracle Certified Professional,
No. of Definitions: 6,804 ]
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English - Armenian Computer terms glossary
Based on Armen Bagdasaryan's prepared dictionary , ARMINCO Ltd.
[ Glossary Builder: Arthur Joakim,
No. of Definitions: 6,646 ]
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English_Italian by Enrico Pelos
English to Italian general dictionary and glossary but also full of specialized terminology and photos as the author is working on the GIS (Geographical Information Systems)/SIT (Sistemi Informativi Territoriali), environment, various engineering and multimedia computer technology fields. He is also a web designer, a professional translator and a fine photographer either normal than digital.
[ Glossary Builder: Enrico Pelos,
No. of Definitions: 6,115 ]
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Bilişim Sözlüğü
Bilişim Sözlüğü tüm Fenerbahçe'lilere armağan olsun
[ Glossary Builder: yiðit aydýn,
No. of Definitions: 5,442 ]
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Glossaire RIFF
Le glossaire RIFF du NTIC (Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) contient 4906 sigles, acronymes, et termes de jargon informatique souvent incompréhensibles aux non initiés.
[ Glossary Builder: OSI (Ouest Systèmes Informatiques),
No. of Definitions: 4,906 ]
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Uri's File.*Xten.c.ons*
file extensions PC related , more will come, etc..
[ Glossary Builder: Uri Goldberg,
No. of Definitions: 3,419 ]
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RFC List 2002
Here u find all RFC's ( today more than 3000 ) . With a short description, Authors and an Hyperlink to read them online. Type in "RFC 123" or "123" to test it.Updates comes occasionally.If you want the better one and more informations see http://www.snigger.de/babylon.html Please vote. Enjoy it. snigger
[ Glossary Builder: snigger@web.de,
No. of Definitions: 3,105 ]
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Online-Glossar: Internet, Grafik, CAD, EDV, IT
Online-Glossar und -Lexikon in Sachen Internet, EDV allg., Grafik, Bildverarbeitung, Video, CAD, Multimedia und Arcchitektur. WICHTIG: das ganze Glossar kann downgeloadet werden und darf kostenlos auch in firmeninternen Intranets eingesetzt werden.
[ Glossary Builder: Alfons Oebbeke,
No. of Definitions: 2,940 ]
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Türkçe - Ingilizce Bilgisayar Terimleri v.075
Türkçe -Ingilizce Bilgisayar Terimleri Sözlügü ( Türkiye Biliþim Derneði Sözlüðünden ) - www.fabal.cjb.net
[ Glossary Builder: fabal®,
No. of Definitions: 2,743 ]
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Jargon File
Reproduced from Jargon File version 4.2.0 (www.texudo.org/~esr/jargon). Version 0.3 The version contains some minor changes and bug fixes (the original .gls file available by request - just drop a mail to me)
[ Glossary Builder: Kiril Serebnik,
No. of Definitions: 2,261 ]
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French Computer-terms Dictionary
This dictionary is a comprehensive compilation of computer terms and their significance. Some French to English translation is also provided when necessary.
[ Glossary Builder: A. Belaidi - ENSET-Oran Algeria,
No. of Definitions: 2,044 ]
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Glossario di Internet e Informatica
Negli ultimi anni, Internet è cresciuta a ritmi velocissimi: questo glossario vi sarà utile per approfondire meglio questa nuova frontiera, e per avere un informazione più completa contiene anche numerosi termini di informatica. Dall'Italiano all'Inglese e viceversa.
[ Glossary Builder: Giacomo Poggi,
No. of Definitions: 1,771 ]
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Woordenlijst informatica
[ Glossary Builder: I.R. Jon Ming,
No. of Definitions: 1,339 ]
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Recull de termes de Softcatalà 2.2
Recull de termes de Softcatalà per a la traducció de programari, versió 2.2
[ Glossary Builder: Softcatalà,
No. of Definitions: 1,288 ]
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Sven's Eng.=>Swe. Computer Terms
Computer Software and Hardware terms, English=>Swedish, Work in Progress.
[ Glossary Builder: Sven Petersson,
No. of Definitions: 1,171 ]
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Mehran - Visual Basic 6.0 Library
This is a utillity glossary and complete Reference for Visual Basic 6.0 programmers at Basic and Pre-Advanced Levels. The Source of the terms and descriptions is "MSDN" , Electronic books , ... . If you have any question or offer, Send me it to: Mehran_VB@tebyan.org Last Update is 7/11/2004 For More Information see also "Visual Basic" In the Glossary. Thank You!
[ Glossary Builder: Mehran Maghamizadeh,
No. of Definitions: 1,059 ]
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NCTS Glossary v.1.0
NCTS - New Computerized Transit System Glossary
[ Glossary Builder: Augusto Firmo,
No. of Definitions: 986 ]
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Computer Glossaries
Glossaries of ComputerScience for Windows XP
[ Glossary Builder: Maniok,
No. of Definitions: 980 ]
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Glossarium ®
A Glossarium ® é composta por conceitos, termos e expressões utilizadas em vários ramos da Informática.
[ Glossary Builder: Leonardo Picciani,
No. of Definitions: 892 ]
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Jensen's Technology Glossary
Glossary of a widerange of Technological Terms related to Computers, the Internet, Computer Graphics, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Robert E. Jensen,
No. of Definitions: 860 ]
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Country Data Codes
Country Data Codes according to Internet-, ISO 3166- and FIPS 10-4- standards
[ Glossary Builder: hh,
No. of Definitions: 846 ]
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Glossario d'Informatica
Piccolo glossario di termini e acronimi in informatica
[ Glossary Builder: Rhadrix,
No. of Definitions: 843 ]
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ORCA Informática Inglés - Castellano
El objetivo de este glosario no es explicar el significado de los términos de informática usados en inglés, sino dar una lista de sugerencias para su traducción al castellano. Este glosario es útil para quien ya tiene suficientes conocimientos de informática en inglés. (orca: http://quark.fe.up.pt/orca )
[ Glossary Builder: Jaime Villate - Alberto Schiano,
No. of Definitions: 689 ]
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Kiswahili IT Glossary -- Kiswahili-English
Kiswahili IT Glossary -- Kiswahili-English | The Swahili IT Glossary was developed during the localization of OpenOffice. For more information about glossary development: info@kilinux.org. The Swahili IT Glossary is licenced under Creative Commons ShareAlike license.
[ Glossary Builder: Richard Madete,
No. of Definitions: 682 ]
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Multi Internet Domains
Internet Domains. (English, Français, Español, Italiano, Türkçe ....)
[ Glossary Builder: Ali Sarioglu,
No. of Definitions: 665 ]
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A Glossary of Internet & PC Terminology
A simple to use Glossary explaining PC & Internet treminology in language that we can all understand. A dictionary of confusing terms used on the Internet & by people associated with Information Technology
[ Glossary Builder: steve Jenkins,
No. of Definitions: 652 ]
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