Displaying results 1 - 30 of 37.
Acronyms from A - Z
Dieses Glossar enthält mehr als 42.500 Einträge mit weit über 80.000 möglichen Abkürzungserklärungen. z.B:ICAO-Codes,RFC-Listen,LNC-Listen,A.n-Z.n(CCITT/ITU-)Empfehlungslisten,DIN-Listen,TopLevelDomains,Autokennzeichen,Armeedienstgrade,Sternzeichen,NASA-Mission usw. Mit tausenden internen und externen Links (ohne Garantie). Neue Vorschläge sind immer willkommen. Updates werden unregelmässig erstellt. Mehr Infos demnächst unter enjoy it. sniigger
[ Glossary Builder:,
No. of Definitions: 42,587 ]
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Technisch E-NL Woordenboek
This dictionary consists of a collection of terms used in Computer Aided Technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAE, as well as Logistics and Information Technology in general.
[ Glossary Builder: Jakob Vlietstra,
No. of Definitions: 37,175 ]
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Technisch NL-E Woordenboek
This dictionary consists of a collection of terms used in Computer Aided Technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAE, as well as Logistics and Information Technology in general.
[ Glossary Builder: Jakob Vlietstra,
No. of Definitions: 36,543 ]
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Turk Dil Kurumu ve Turkiye Bilisim Dernegi:Mehmet Geden
Dictionary of Turkish Language Organization and Turkey Informatics Association and it contains 7158 words. Version 1.0. Bu sozluk Turk Dil Kurumunun -BiLGiSAYAR TERiMLERi KARSILIKLARI KILAVUZU- ve Turkiye Bilisim Derneginin hazirlamis oldugu BiLiSiM TERiMLERi SOZLUGU derlenerek olusturulmustur. Terimlerle ilgili estirilerinizi veya varsa yeni onerilerinizi adresine bildirebilirsiniz. Elestirileriniz icin simdiden Tesekkur ederiz.
[ Glossary Builder: Mehmet Rauf Geden,
No. of Definitions: 7,158 ]
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9300+ Computer Acronyms
This is a very extensive glossary of computer acronyms. With a list of over 9300 computer acronyms, you're sure to find what you're looking for.
[ Glossary Builder: Carlos Guerrera,
No. of Definitions: 6,821 ]
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AuiW - Abkürzungen und ihre Wortlaute
Über 5000 Abkürzungen nur aus dem Bereich der EDV. Für mehr auf vorbeischauen.
[ Glossary Builder: Carsten Franke,
No. of Definitions: 5,086 ]
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Glossaire RIFF
Le glossaire RIFF du NTIC (Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) contient 4906 sigles, acronymes, et termes de jargon informatique souvent incompréhensibles aux non initiés.
[ Glossary Builder: OSI (Ouest Systèmes Informatiques),
No. of Definitions: 4,906 ]
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Mehran - All about Computer
This glossary translate any word about computer to farsi and description about it and show some web sites about it. This is a full glossary for software and computer terms and etc. In this glossary you can see some information about each program too. Just type name of the program. for upgrade this glossary go to Babylon site later or send me a letter. Version : 2.0 E-mail : Mehran_VB@Tebyan.Org Copyright (c) 2003-2004
[ Glossary Builder: Mehran Maghamizadeh,
No. of Definitions: 3,838 ]
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Computer English-Russian Dictionary
For everybody who speaks Russian, uses computer in different ways and doesn't know English.
[ Glossary Builder: Natalya Belinsky,
No. of Definitions: 3,650 ]
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RFC List 2002
Here u find all RFC's ( today more than 3000 ) . With a short description, Authors and an Hyperlink to read them online. Type in "RFC 123" or "123" to test it.Updates comes occasionally.If you want the better one and more informations see Please vote. Enjoy it. snigger
[ Glossary Builder:,
No. of Definitions: 3,105 ]
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Computers-English to Spanish
Diccionario inglés-español para usuarios de informática e internet confeccionado con listas encontradas en
[ Glossary Builder: Xoán Antón Vizoso,
No. of Definitions: 2,442 ]
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Estudiantes Redes Cisco
Este glosario contiene traducciones y definiciones sobre términos empleados en informática siendo óptimo en el tema de redes.
[ Glossary Builder: Franco Pollano,
No. of Definitions: 1,966 ]
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Computer And IT Dictionary for Persian v4.01
- It is free & perfect computer Dictionary for persian with pictures & links. - use for (windows(98,2000,me,xp), internet(International domain),mcse,hardware,programming,vb, office,autocad,flash,photoshop,corel,norton,yahoo!,msn,... - it's best & first computer dictionary for persian in (& in world wide web.) Presented by: mostafa ghanatabady email: farsi font standard :Microsoft Windows XP
[ Glossary Builder: Mostafa Ghanatabady,
No. of Definitions: 1,824 ]
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- O Glossário de termos técnicos em inglês de economia, finanças e e-commerce, criado pelo Serviço de Internet do ISPV, é uma compilação de termos, definições e sugestões enviados por diversos internautas.
- O glossário está em actualização permanente, devido ao crescente uso desta terminologia nos nossos dias. More...
- O glossário está em actualização permanente, devido ao crescente uso desta terminologia nos nossos dias. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Instituto Superior Politécnico de Viseu,
No. of Definitions: 1,146 ]
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Compilatoare BazeDeDate SO Design Retele
Termeni de Compilatoare BazeDeDate SO Design Retele --->
[ Glossary Builder: Mariana,
No. of Definitions: 1,039 ]
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Country Data Codes
Country Data Codes according to Internet-, ISO 3166- and FIPS 10-4- standards
[ Glossary Builder: hh,
No. of Definitions: 846 ]
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Eng-Tur_Computer/Electronics Terms
electricity, electronics, computer, internet
[ Glossary Builder: levent basaran,
No. of Definitions: 814 ]
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Ciber-Léxico Comparativo ing-esp
Este es un pequeño glosario con casi todos los términos relacionados con internet, en la dirección inglés-español. Ciber-Léxico Comparativo © 1997, 1998 Susie Ramsay y Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
[ Glossary Builder: Cygnus,
No. of Definitions: 810 ]
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DW and OLAP terms
DW & OLAP terms
[ Glossary Builder: DW,
No. of Definitions: 772 ]
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Yigal's 3G abbreviations
[ Glossary Builder: Yigal Bazak,
No. of Definitions: 763 ]
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English-Iberian Portuguese - Software Standard UI Glossary
Este glossário pretende ser uma compilação dos termos utilizados na interface de utilizador padrão e comum à maioria dos programas e sistemas operativos traduzidos para o português de portugal.
[ Glossary Builder: Joao Albuquerque,
No. of Definitions: 631 ]
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er&er internet terms &acronyms
[ Glossary Builder: ERKAN ERBARUT,
No. of Definitions: 629 ]
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ATM Forum
ATM Forum © Copyright 2002 The ATM Forum. All Rights Reserved. For web comments/inquiries, email All other questions, contact us ( ).
[ Glossary Builder: ATM Forum,
No. of Definitions: 583 ]
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Dicionário de Tecnologia da Informação com termos técnicos de informatica, telecomunicações, eletrônica, etc.
[ Glossary Builder: Fabio Medeiros,
No. of Definitions: 565 ]
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HB_Search Interner Word
This glossary have any word about Search Internet to farsi and description about it and show some web sites about it. If information about words internet search just type word ((search))and (list domain country) For upgrade Dictionary ((Search Interner Word)) for upgrade this glossary go to Babylon site later or send me a letter Name Dic:Search internet word Author:HamedBanay
[ Glossary Builder: Hamed Banay Feyz Abady,
No. of Definitions: 483 ]
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XML Acronym Demystifier
The XML Acronym Demystifier; Project's homepage
[ Glossary Builder: Mario Jeckle, Stefan Mintert, Tim Weitzel, Barbara Zengler,
No. of Definitions: 478 ]
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Informatika hiztegia
Informatika hiztegia, definizioak zein itzulpenak.
[ Glossary Builder: Josu,
No. of Definitions: 427 ]
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Dateien anhand ihrer Endung erkennen
[ Glossary Builder: E7.Online,
No. of Definitions: 422 ]
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