Displaying results 1 - 30 of 37.
Acronyms from A - Z
Dieses Glossar enthält mehr als 42.500 Einträge mit weit über 80.000 möglichen Abkürzungserklärungen. z.B:ICAO-Codes,RFC-Listen,LNC-Listen,A.n-Z.n(CCITT/ITU-)Empfehlungslisten,DIN-Listen,TopLevelDomains,Autokennzeichen,Armeedienstgrade,Sternzeichen,NASA-Mission usw. Mit tausenden internen und externen Links (ohne Garantie). Neue Vorschläge sind immer willkommen. Updates werden unregelmässig erstellt. Mehr Infos demnächst unter enjoy it. sniigger
[ Glossary Builder:,
No. of Definitions: 42,587 ]
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Textile Glossary En 2 Fa
Source: Vaje-Name Jame'e San'ate Nassaji By: Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Motlagh & Mohammad Rahimi
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad Motamedi,
No. of Definitions: 13,805 ]
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Textile Glossary Fa 2 En
Source: Vaje-Name Jame'e San'ate Nassaji By: Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Motlagh & Mohammad Rahimi
[ Glossary Builder: Mohammad Motamedi,
No. of Definitions: 13,805 ]
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Construction Dic
English - Vietnamese - English Các bạn có thể tra bằng tiếng Việt có dấu hoặc không dấu. Ví dụ tra "thep ket cau", kết quả sẽ là: "strutural steel"
[ Glossary Builder: mno_luv,
No. of Definitions: 11,501 ]
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Contratos, Construção Naval e Petróleo
Glossário Português BR - Inglês - Português BR da terminologia utilizada em Contratos, Construção Naval e Petróleo. Em constante atualização. E-mail: Enviem sugestões de terminologia. Portuguese BR - English Portuguese BR Glossary of the terms used in Contracts, Shipbuilding and Petroleum areas. Constantly updated. E-mail address: Send term suggestions
[ Glossary Builder: Nubio Nunes Revoredo (Rio de Janeiro),
No. of Definitions: 9,163 ]
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WinCept Glass Dictionary (RUS>ENG)
The WinCept Glass Dictionary holds technical terms used in the glass industry and covers almost all sectors of glass container production, e.g., batch preparation, melting furnaces, forming machines, inspection, container packaging etc.
[ Glossary Builder: P.Dall,
No. of Definitions: 6,447 ]
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English-Turkish Textile Terms Dictionary
English-Turkish Textile Terms Dictionary International Turkmen-Turkish University Textile Engineering 55073029
[ Glossary Builder: Harun AYGEN,
No. of Definitions: 6,312 ]
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WinCept Glass Dictionary (ENG>RUS)
The WinCept Glass Dictionary holds technical terms used in the glass industry and covers almost all sectors of glass container production, e.g., batch preparation, melting furnaces, forming machines, inspection, container packaging etc.
[ Glossary Builder: P.Dall,
No. of Definitions: 6,100 ]
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WinCept Glass Dictionary (RUS>GER)
The WinCept Glass Dictionary holds technical terms used in the glass industry and covers almost all sectors of glass container production, e.g., batch preparation, melting furnaces, forming machines, inspection, container packaging etc.
[ Glossary Builder: P.Dall,
No. of Definitions: 5,631 ]
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WinCept Glass Dictionary (GER>ENG)
The WinCept Glass Dictionary holds technical terms used in the glass industry and covers almost all sectors of glass container production, e.g., batch preparation, melting furnaces, forming machines, inspection, container packaging etc.
[ Glossary Builder: P.Dall,
No. of Definitions: 5,285 ]
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WinCept Glass Dictionary (GER>RUS)
The WinCept Glass Dictionary holds technical terms used in the glass industry and covers almost all sectors of glass container production, e.g., batch preparation, melting furnaces, forming machines, inspection, container packaging etc.
[ Glossary Builder: P.Dall,
No. of Definitions: 5,282 ]
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WinCept Glass Dictionary (ENG>GER)
The WinCept Glass Dictionary holds technical terms used in the glass industry and covers almost all sectors of glass container production, e.g., batch preparation, melting furnaces, forming machines, inspection, container packaging etc.
[ Glossary Builder: P.Dall,
No. of Definitions: 5,265 ]
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Customs and Excise Glossary
A glossary of common terms and acronyms with their translation
[ Glossary Builder: Alain Buyze,
No. of Definitions: 4,357 ]
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BTS Transportation Expressions
This dictionary by Bureau of Transportation Statistics presents transportation expressions and definitions used throughout the Federal government, private organizations, Canada and Mexico. It provides users of transportation information with a comprehensive inventory of transportation expressions and their referents.
[ Glossary Builder: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U.S.,
No. of Definitions: 4,224 ]
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Textile Technology - Textiltechnik
A glossary of the most important terms in textile technology. Ein Glossar mit den wichtigsten Begriffen in der Textiltechnik.
[ Glossary Builder: Jeff Waldock,
No. of Definitions: 1,804 ]
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Technische Begriffe
Technische Begriffe für Bauwesen Termini tecnici per costruzioni edili
[ Glossary Builder: ArchDB System,
No. of Definitions: 1,444 ]
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This glossary replaces the previous glossary named Contracts, Shipbuilding and Petroleum II in view of many errors found. Terms were collected during translations and from the Internet. Contributions of new terms not found accepted. Rio de Janeiro Brazil - Email
[ Glossary Builder: NUBIO NUNES REVOREDO,
No. of Definitions: 1,315 ]
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2K Group Shipping, Trade, Insurance Dictionary
Prepared By 2K Group of Companies
[ Glossary Builder: 2K Shipping and Trading Ltd.,
No. of Definitions: 1,295 ]
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automotive terms
terms used in's daily business life
[ Glossary Builder: Nina Zwiebelhofer,
No. of Definitions: 1,249 ]
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- O Glossário de termos técnicos em inglês de economia, finanças e e-commerce, criado pelo Serviço de Internet do ISPV, é uma compilação de termos, definições e sugestões enviados por diversos internautas.
- O glossário está em actualização permanente, devido ao crescente uso desta terminologia nos nossos dias. More...
- O glossário está em actualização permanente, devido ao crescente uso desta terminologia nos nossos dias. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Instituto Superior Politécnico de Viseu,
No. of Definitions: 1,146 ]
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Maintenance & Quality
Terms of Maintenance & Quality. (English->Spanish). Términos sobre Mantenimiento y Calidad Last actualization: Jun 2002
[ Glossary Builder: Carlos Rodriguez Gutierrez,
No. of Definitions: 802 ]
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Industrial Refrigeration
A glossary contain terms related to industrial refrigeration plants german - english - german ++ still under construction / +++ +++
[ Glossary Builder: Olav Möller,
No. of Definitions: 756 ]
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Fishery Glossary
Terms and deffinitions associated with fishery.
[ Glossary Builder: FAO Fisheries Department,
No. of Definitions: 756 ]
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Airline Codes
Airline Information: IATA (International Air Transport Association) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) codes, alliance, logo, web site, FF program name, quality information from Please comment on all missing information, especially airline status (has it gone under), and alternate names. Complete: Airline codes In progress: web, logo, ff, aliances, quality
[ Glossary Builder: Amir Kolsky,
No. of Definitions: 618 ]
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Digital Television Glossary
Comprehensive glossary for the digital television industry.
[ Glossary Builder: Michael Silbergleid,
No. of Definitions: 470 ]
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Español-Inglés terminología del plástico
Terminología de la industria del plástico, utilizada en inyección, moldeo por soplado, termoformado y otras industrias del plástico (Español-Inglés). Una nueva versión de 23 de Mayo de 2002. Common plastics industry terminology, used in injection, blow moulding, thermoforming, and other plastics related industries (Spanish-English). Updated 23/5/2002
[ Glossary Builder: Mark Lees,
No. of Definitions: 457 ]
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This glossary contains the most common terms found in the equipment leasing, fleet leasing and real estate leasing industries.
[ Glossary Builder: Jeffrey Taylor,
No. of Definitions: 359 ]
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Manufacturing Terms
A glossary contains about 350 terms related to Manufacturing.
[ Glossary Builder: Vahid Haghighi,
No. of Definitions: 349 ]
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Shipping Glossary
Shipping Glossary
[ Glossary Builder: Imran Ali Rajani,
No. of Definitions: 324 ]
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NCRS Construction Glossary
A glossary of construction terms including Carpentry, Masonry, Electricity, Excavation, Glazing, Hardware, Heating and Air Conditioning, Painting, Plumbing, Roofing etc.
[ Glossary Builder: E-Dee,
No. of Definitions: 263 ]
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