Finance & Investment Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 40.

MB_Dictionary For Accountants_English_to_Persian

Version 1.3 of MB_Dictionary For Accountants_English_to_Persian .By: Majid Mehrjo and my wife ,Etemadi .Email Address: and For use this dictionary please enable Farsi or Arabic of microsoft windows 98/2000/XP/Sever(Farsi support).I thank you of my wife for her solidarity this dictionary.Last update:Tuesday, February 17, 2009 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Mehrju, No. of Definitions: 11,313 ]
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MB_Dictionary For Accountants_Persian_to_English

Version 2.2 of MB_Dictionary For Accountants_Persian_to_English .By: Majid Mehrjo and my wife ,Etemadi .Email Address: and For use this dictionary please enable Farsi or Arabic of microsoft windows 98/2000/XP/Sever(Farsi support).I thank you of my wife for her solidarity this dictionary.Last update:Tuesday, February 17, 2009 More...
[ Glossary Builder: Majid Mehrju, No. of Definitions: 11,313 ]
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Finance & Banking Dic

Tra từ Anh - Việt - Anh. More...
[ Glossary Builder: mno_luv, No. of Definitions: 6,912 ]
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Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary

Comprehensive glossary of terms related to finance and investment More...
[ Glossary Builder: Campbell R. Harvey, No. of Definitions: 5,662 ]
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Accounting English-Persian

This Dictionary contains accounting terms. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Reza Dogar, No. of Definitions: 5,347 ]
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Dicionário Financeiro

[ Glossary Builder: Joel Kos, No. of Definitions: 5,271 ]
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English- Arabic Finance Glossary

English- Arabic Finance Glossary More...
[ Glossary Builder: Nader, No. of Definitions: 3,648 ]
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Al-Musa Dictionary of Finance, Accounting & Auditing

This is a comprehensive English-Arabic Glossary of Finance, Accounting & Auditing Terms. The aim is to assist translators in finding the best Arabic equivalent of English terms. I plan to add even more terms in the next edition, which will hopefully come out in a few months. Please send me your constructive suggestions! More...
[ Glossary Builder: Omar Al-Musa, No. of Definitions: 2,564 ]
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Glossario Finanziario

Glossario dei termini italiani e inglesi usati nel settore finanziario, vi aiuterà a capire meglio il mondo del Trading Online, dei Derivati, dei Fondi, delle Assicurazioni e il linguaggio degli Analisti, inoltre troverete altri termini correlati (fiscali, giuridici, informatici, tenologici, ecc...). More...
[ Glossary Builder: Giacomo Poggi, No. of Definitions: 2,195 ]
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BASSAM Trade, Real Estate, Mortgage, Fund,Invest, Insurance,& Tax,Terms/abbreviations/defin.

Most of us wants to update his knowledge regarding global trading terms and abbreviations, legal Real Estate definitions, Mortgage, Funding, Investment, Insurance, or even Taxation.This will keeps you in right track. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bassam Q. Hussein, No. of Definitions: 1,282 ]
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JDE OW Xe Tables

A list of the Tables used in the J.D.Edwards OneWorld ERP system. Complete with systems, comments, etc. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Maurizio Masini, No. of Definitions: 1,246 ]
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- O Glossário de termos técnicos em inglês de economia, finanças e e-commerce, criado pelo Serviço de Internet do ISPV, é uma compilação de termos, definições e sugestões enviados por diversos internautas.
- O glossário está em actualização permanente, devido ao crescente uso desta terminologia nos nossos dias. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Instituto Superior Politécnico de Viseu, No. of Definitions: 1,146 ]
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KS Lexique boursier et financier

Lexique des termes boursiers et financiers destinés à tous ceux qui souhaitent se familiariser avec les termes les plus utilisés en bourse. More...
[ Glossary Builder: S KHIEV, No. of Definitions: 1,069 ]
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Mali Tablolar Terimleri Eng--> Tur

Mali tabloların uluslararası kullanılan ingilizce terimlerinin Türkçe karşılıklarını içeren sözlük. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rasim Birlik, No. of Definitions: 1,045 ]
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Sean_Woo's Finance,GIS & Real Estate Glossary

Comprehensive dictionary on Finance, Real Estate, GIS and Statistics. Most of the definitions come out with a easy understanding example. More info please contact me at More...
[ Glossary Builder: Sean Woo, No. of Definitions: 872 ]
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Diccionari de comptabilitat

Diccionari de comptabilitat anglès - català More...
[ Glossary Builder: Departament d'ensenyament, No. of Definitions: 848 ]
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Commodity Futures Trading Commission Glossary

CFTC Glossary is a well written, hyperlinked guide to the language of the futures industry and is brought to you by the Education Center of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). With more than 650 terms it is an outstanding reference source for investors.

The CFTC Glossary is intended to assist the public in understanding some of the specialized words and phrases used in the futures industry since many of these terms are not found in standard reference works.

Definitions are not intended to state or suggest the views of the Commission concerning the legal significance or meaning of any word or term and no definition is intended to state or suggest the Commission’s views concerning any trading strategy or economic theory.

The CFTC's mission is to protect market users and the public from fraud, manipulation, and abusive practices related to the sale of commodity and financial futures and options, and to foster open, competitive, and financially sound futures and option markets.

Last Updated: August 15, 2007

[ Glossary Builder: Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), No. of Definitions: 655 ]
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Finance, Economy, Law and Business

This glossary holds financial, economic and legal terms. All terms are verified. Please note that some terms may have more than one translation. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Yael Sela-Shapiro, No. of Definitions: 532 ]
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Aspect Online Lexikon Versicherungen

In diesem Aspect Online Lexikon von finden Sie die wichtigsten Begriffe rund um das Thema Versicherungen ausführlich erklärt. Der Bogen spannt sich von Kranken- und Lebensversicherung bis hin zur privaten Haftpflichtversicherung und Kfz-Versicherung. Aspect Online ist ein Finanzportal, das seinen Kunden einen unabhängigen und kostenlosen Vergleich von Versicherungsprodukten bietet. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Aspect Online AG, No. of Definitions: 480 ]
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Aspect Online Lexikon Banken und Finanzen

In diesem “aspect online” Lexikon von finden Sie die wichtigsten Begriffe rund um die Themen Banken und Finanzen ausführlich erklärt. “aspect online” ist ein Finanzportal, das seinen Kunden einen unabhängigen und kostenlosen Vergleich von Versicherungs- und Bankprodukten bietet. More...
[ Glossary Builder: aspect online AG, No. of Definitions: 411 ]
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This glossary contains the most common terms found in the equipment leasing, fleet leasing and real estate leasing industries. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Jeffrey Taylor, No. of Definitions: 359 ]
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Medicare Glossary

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people 65 years of age or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease. This glossary explains terms in the Medicare program, but it is not a legal document. The official Medicare program provisions are found in the relevant laws, regulations, and rulings. More...
[ Glossary Builder:, No. of Definitions: 326 ]
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A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : English-Portuguese

Defines 300+ futures and options related terms in English-Portuguese. The same glossary may also be found in the following languages: English-English, German-English, English-German, Spanish-English, English-Spanish, Portuguese-English and English-Japanese. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Center for Futures Education, Inc., No. of Definitions: 313 ]
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A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : English-English

Defines 300+ futures and options related terms in English. The same glossary may also be found in the following languages: German-English, English-German, Spanish-English, English-Spanish, Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese and English-Japanese. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Center for Futures Education, Inc., No. of Definitions: 312 ]
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A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : English-German

Defines 300+ futures and options related terms in English-German. The same glossary may also be found in the following languages: English-English, German-English, Spanish-English, English-Spanish, Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese and English-Japanese. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Center for Futures Education, Inc., No. of Definitions: 310 ]
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A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : English-Japanese

Defines 300+ futures and options related terms in English-Japanese. The same glossary may also be found in the following languages: English-English, German-English, English-German, Spanish-English, English-Spanish, Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Center for Futures Education, Inc., No. of Definitions: 307 ]
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A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : English-Spanish

Defines 300+ futures and options related terms in English-Spanish. The same glossary may also be found in the following languages: English-English, German-English, English-German, Spanish-English, Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese and English-Japanese. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Center for Futures Education, Inc., No. of Definitions: 307 ]
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RiskNET® Glossar

RiskNET - The Risk Management Network ist das führende Portal rund um das Thema Risk Management im deutschsprachigen Raum und bietet dem Praktiker, dem Wissenschaftler und anderen Interessierten wertvolle und frei zugängliche Informationen. Das RiskNET® Glossar erläuert die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe rund um das Thema Risk Management fundiert und berücksichtigt u.a. lokale Besonderheiten in Deutschland. More...
[ Glossary Builder: RiskNET - The Risk Management Network, No. of Definitions: 305 ]
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A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : Spanish-English

Defines 300+ futures and options related terms in Spanish-English. The same glossary may also be found in the following languages: English-English, German-English, English-German, English-Spanish, Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese and English-Japanese. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Center for Futures Education, Inc., No. of Definitions: 296 ]
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A Guide to Futures and Options Market Terminology : German-English

Defines 300+ futures and options related terms in German-English. The same glossary may also be found in the following languages: English-English, English-German, Spanish-English, English-Spanish, Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese and English-Japanese. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Center for Futures Education, Inc., No. of Definitions: 292 ]
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