History Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 16 of 16.

International Relations and Security Acronyms

Acronyms on International Relations and Security
Sources amongst others:
NATO Handbook: Appendix 7 - Abbreviations in Common Use More...
[ Glossary Builder: Hans Johnsson, No. of Definitions: 6,158 ]
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Faclair Gàidhlig - Beurla

Malcolm MacFacFarlane's Faclair Gàidhlig - Beurla (Gaelic - English Dictionary) Keyed in and verified at Sabhal Mór Ostaig, the Gaelic college on the Island of Skye by Caoimhín P. Ó Donnaíle and Ruth Melton. Eneas MacKay, Bookseller 43 Murray Place, Stirling. 1912. Transcripted into Babylon with Babylon Builder 1.0 by Johan Vanhopplinus More...
[ Glossary Builder: Johan Vanhopplinus, No. of Definitions: 5,233 ]
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Nebiyan Turkish-Turkish

Ansiklopedik Sözlük. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Ali SARIOGLU, No. of Definitions: 4,120 ]
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Diccionario de Historia

Miles de definiciones realcionadas con la Historia, Arqueología, Geografía histórica, Arte, Paleografía, Genealogía, Etnología, Numismática ... More...
[ Glossary Builder: Portaldehistoria.com, No. of Definitions: 3,024 ]
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Advanced Islamic Dictionary 2.0

The Largest Islamic & Religious Dictionary on the Net. All Rights Reserved - 2004 Contact us at: englishteacher@mynet.com www.NehculBelaga.net More...
[ Glossary Builder: Murat IPEK - www.IslamicEbooks.net, No. of Definitions: 2,660 ]
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Léxico de xeografía cast-gal

Recopilación de termos relacionados coa xeografía. Dirección castelán-galego (español-gallego) CNL da Facultade de Xeografía e Historia, Universidade de Santiago. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Cygnus, No. of Definitions: 1,718 ]
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Alte Berufsbezeichnungen für Familienforscher

Auf Basis einer Arbeit von Marcel Lesaar Last update: 12-Jul-2000 überarbeitet und übersetzt von Bruno Engels. Stand 13.01.2000. Eine Hilfe für Familienforscher und Genealogen. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bruno Engels, No. of Definitions: 1,718 ]
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Dict. of the III-d Reich

[ Glossary Builder: Shaul Rom, No. of Definitions: 898 ]
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History and Geography

English words required to practise History and Geography at Highschool More...
[ Glossary Builder: Olivier TABARY, No. of Definitions: 625 ]
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Medieval Glossary

Glossary of medieval terms and weapons. Definitions of popular weaponry and words commonly found from medieval times and in role-playing games More...
[ Glossary Builder: Colleen McEneany, No. of Definitions: 487 ]
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Héraldique Européenne Lexique

Petit dictionnaire comportant un lexique spécifique aux blasons ou emblèmes. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Arnaud Bunel, No. of Definitions: 299 ]
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Dominici & Kennedy Affairs

Affaires Dominici & Kennedy -
Comments in English: Dominici & Kennedy cold Cases see here

L'affaire dite Dominici est traitée à fond, sans se perdre dans les détails techniques, ce glossaire étant un schéma explicatif.
L'affaire Kennedy aborde les pistes les plus récentes, mais renvoie plutôt aux ouvrages spécialisés.
Ces deux "affaires" ont des points communs :

- ce sont des conséquences et elles s'inscrivent dans le contexte de la guerre froide (1945-1989)
- l'intervention plutôt lourde des gouvernements fait obstacle à la résolution de ces affaires.
- la solution apparente repose sur la mise en cause d'un seul et unique bouc émissaire :

a) Lee Harvey Oswald, bien aidé par une "balle magique" dans le cas Kennedy
b) Gaston Dominici dans l'affaire appelée abusivement de son nom alors que les Dominici n'ont rien à voir avec "leur" dite affaire.

Commentaire: il n'y a pas là de jugement de valeur. Si objectivement ces détournements de la justice pouvaient se concevoir sinon être tolérés PENDANT la guerre froide, il n'y a plus de raisons, après la fin de cette période historique, a fortiori après l'an 2000, de cacher la vérité.

- Les deux affaires ont été mises au jour en France, nettement par rapport aux prédécesseurs, par William Reymond, ses ouvrages étant les sources principales.
"L'Affaire Dominici, les assassins retrouvés" ed. Flammarion

These two cases seemingly totaly different have some common points :

- They are direct consequences and are situated in the "Cold War"
(the U.S.S.R. has nothing to do with the assassination of Kennedy, it's an internal Affair.)
- The governments have an heavy influence on the treatment, the inquiry and the trial.
In the Kennedy Case, the trial is replaced by the Warren Commission, completely in order of the Government.
- The apparent solution for the public is the patsy, Gaston Dominici and Lee Harvey Oswald, who are sacrified on the altar of the truth.

links to The Guardian, text in english
Spy theory revives French murder mystery
by Jon Henley
J' accuse
by Alix Kirsta
About links to books and websites, see the entry Kennedy.
For any question or comment please mail to:
Dedicated to my family
[ Glossary Builder: AL, No. of Definitions: 190 ]
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Terms and abbreviations relating to aviation during W.W.II More...
[ Glossary Builder: K. N Chetwyn, No. of Definitions: 128 ]
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Glossary of Genealogy Terms

A comprehensive list of genealogy terms, abbreviations and profesional associations. More...
[ Glossary Builder: John Holwell, No. of Definitions: 123 ]
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Gli ordini nell'architettura classica

Gli elementi principali degli ordini architettonici (tuscanico, dorico, ionico, corinzio, composito). Indicato per studenti, docenti e appassionati di architettura. Il glossario è collegato ad una lezione contenente spiegazioni, brani tratti da Vitruvio, disegni di Andrea Palladio, esercitazioni per l'apprendimento, numerosi quiz interattivi, una bibliografia. All rights reserved. Copyright 2001, Antonio Manno, Italia, Venezia. Disponibile su http://members.tripod.com/artsnet More...
[ Glossary Builder: Antonio Manno, professore di Storia dell'Arte, No. of Definitions: 116 ]
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List of 100 Most Endangered Sites

List of endangered monuments, including descriptions and pictures. More...
[ Glossary Builder: World Monuments Fund, No. of Definitions: 99 ]
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